SuppressDec: Suppressed tabular data: Inner cell frequencies as decimal...

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SuppressDecR Documentation

Suppressed tabular data: Inner cell frequencies as decimal numbers


Assume that frequencies to be published, z, can be computed from inner frequencies, y, via z = t(x) %*% y, where x is a dummy matrix. Assuming correct suppression, this function will generate safe inner cell frequencies as decimal numbers.


  z = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  suppressed = NULL,
  digits = 9,
  nRep = 1,
  yDeduct = NULL,
  resScale = NULL,
  rmse = NULL,
  sparseLimit = 500



Dummy matrix where the dimensions matches z and/or y input. Sparse matrix (Matrix package) is possible.


Frequencies to be published. All, only the safe ones or with suppressed as NA.


Inner cell frequencies (see details).


Logical vector defining the suppressed elements of z.


Output close to whole numbers will be rounded using digits as input to RoundWhole.


Integer, when >1, several y's will be generated. Extra columns in output.


Values to be subtracted from y and added back after the calculations. Can be used to perform the modulo method described in the paper (see examples).


Residuals will be scaled by resScale


Desired root mean square error (residual standard error). Will be used when resScale is NULL or cannot be used.


Limit for the number of rows of a reduced x-matrix within the algorithm. When exceeded, a sparse algorithm is used (see IpsoExtra).


This function makes use of ReduceX and RegSDCipso. It is not required that y consists of cell frequencies. A multivariate y or z is also possible. Then several values are possible as digits, resScale and rmse input.


The inner cell frequencies as decimal numbers


Capital letters, X, Y and Z, are used in the paper.


Øyvind Langsrud


# Same data as in the paper
z <- RegSDCdata("sec7z")
x <- RegSDCdata("sec7x")
y <- RegSDCdata("sec7y")  # Now z is t(x) %*% y 
zAll <- RegSDCdata("sec7zAll")
zAllSupp <- RegSDCdata("sec7zAllSupp")
xAll <- RegSDCdata("sec7xAll")

# When no suppression, output is identical to y
SuppressDec(xAll, zAll, y)
SuppressDec(xAll, zAll)  # y can be seen in z

# Similar to Y* in paper (but other random values)
SuppressDec(x, z, y)

# Residual standard error forced to be 1
SuppressDec(x, z, y, rmse = 1)

# Seven ways of obtaining the same output
SuppressDec(x, z, rmse = 1)  # slower, y must be estimated
SuppressDec(x, y = y, rmse = 1)
SuppressDec(xAll, zAllSupp, y, rmse = 1)
SuppressDec(xAll, zAllSupp, rmse = 1)  # slower, y must be estimated
SuppressDec(xAll, zAll, y,, rmse = 1)
SuppressDec(xAll, zAll, suppressed =, rmse = 1)  # y seen in z
SuppressDec(xAll, y = y, suppressed =, rmse = 1)

# YhatMod4 and YhatMod10 in Table 2 in paper
SuppressDec(xAll, zAllSupp, y, yDeduct = 4 * (y%/%4), resScale = 0)
SuppressDec(xAll, zAllSupp, y, yDeduct = 10 * (y%/%10), rmse = 0)

# As data in Table 3 in paper (but other random values)
SuppressDec(xAll, zAllSupp, y, yDeduct = 10 * (y%/%10), resScale = 0.1)

# rmse instead of resScale and 5 draws
SuppressDec(xAll, zAllSupp, y, yDeduct = 10 * (y%/%10), rmse = 1, nRep = 5)

RegSDC documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 9:08 a.m.

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