Man pages for RegularizedSCA
Regularized Simultaneous Component Based Data Integration

cv_sparseSCAA K-fold cross-validation procedure when common/distinctive...
cv_structuredSCAA K-fold cross-validation procedure when common/distinctive...
DISCOscaDISCO-SCA rotation.
HerringHerring data
maxLGlassoAn algorithm for determining the smallest values for Lasso...
pca_gcaPCA-GCA method for selecting the number of common and...
plot.CVsparseSCAPloting Cross-validation results
plot.CVstructuredSCACross-validation plot
pre_processStandardize the given data matrix per column, over the rows,...
RSCARSCA: A package for regularized simultaneous component...
sparseSCAVariable selection with Lasso and Group Lasso with a...
structuredSCAVariable selection algorithm with a predefined component...
summary.CVsparseSCADisplay a summary of the results of 'cv_sparseSCA()'.
summary.CVstructuredSCADisplay a summary of the results of 'cv_structuredSCA()'.
summary.DISCOscaDisplay a summary of the results of 'DISCOsca()'.
summary.sparseSCADisplay a summary of the results of 'sparseSCA()'.
summary.structuredSCADisplay a summary of the results of 'structuredSCA()'.
summary.undoSDisplay a summary of the results of 'undoShrinkage()'.
summary.VAFDisplay a summary of the results of 'VAF()'.
TuckerCoefTucker coefficient of congruence.
undoShrinkageUndo shrinkage.
VAFProportion of variance accounted for (VAF) for each block and...
RegularizedSCA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:24 a.m.