
Defines functions levelEquivalent

#' Computes the equivalent threshold for the sceptical p-value
#' The equivalent threshold for the sceptical p-value is computed based on
#' the specified limiting relative effect size, the level, and
#' the alternative. 
#' @param dinf The limiting relative effect size bound below which replication success is
#' deemed to be impossible for borderline significant original studies
#' with p-values equal to \code{level}.
#' @param level Threshold for the calibrated sceptical p-value.
#'  Default is 0.025.
#' @param alternative Specifies if \code{level} is "one.sided" (default) or
#'  "two.sided". If "one-sided",
#' then a one-sided equivalent threshold for the sceptical p-value is computed.
#' @return Equivalent thresholds for the sceptical p-value corresponding to \code{dmin}=1.
#' Thus, at the equivalent threshold, replication success is impossible for borderline significant original
#' studies and shrinkage of the replication effect estimate. 
#' @references Held, L. (2020). A new standard for the analysis and design of replication studies (with discussion).
#' \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)}, \bold{183}, 431-448.
#' \doi{10.1111/rssa.12493}
#' Held, L., Micheloud, C., Pawel, S. (2022). The assessment of
#'     replication success based on relative effect size. The Annals of Applied
#'     Statistics. 16:706-720. \doi{10.1214/21-AOAS1502}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pSceptical}}, \code{\link{levelSceptical}}
#' @author Leonhard Held
#' @examples
#' levelEquivalent(dinf = 0.8, level = 0.025)
#' levelEquivalent(dinf = 0.8, level = 0.05, alternative="two.sided")
#' @noRd
levelEquivalent <- function(dinf, level=0.025,
                            alternative=c("one.sided", "two.sided")){
              length(dinf) >= 1,
              dinf > 0,
              length(level) >= 1,
              0 < level, level < 1,
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

    zalpha <- p2z(p=level, alternative=alternative)
    K <- 0.5 + sqrt(1/dinf^2 + 1/4)
    phi <- (sqrt(5)+1)/2
    zalphaNew <- zalpha*sqrt(phi/K)
    alphaNew <- z2p(z=zalphaNew, alternative=alternative)

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