
test_that("Tests using trainingIdx when doing OOB predictions on smaller data", {

  # Helper function for checking the equality of predictions
  check_oob_preds <- function(rf, idx_set) {
    # Try running for a transformation of x_new
    x_new <- rf@processed_dta$processed_x
    x_new[, 1] <- .23*x_new[, 1]

    # Test OOB Aggregation
    p_oob <- predict(rf, newdata = x_new, aggregation = "oob")
    p_oob_idx <- predict(rf, newdata = x_new[idx_set,], aggregation = "oob", trainingIdx = idx_set)
    expect_equal(all.equal(p_oob[idx_set], p_oob_idx), TRUE)

    # Check weight matrices are equal
    p_oob_weights <- predict(rf, newdata = x_new, aggregation = "oob", weightMatrix = TRUE)
    p_oob_idx_weights <- predict(rf, newdata = x_new[idx_set,], aggregation = "oob", trainingIdx = idx_set, weightMatrix = TRUE)

    expect_equal(all.equal((p_oob_weights$weightMatrix %*% as.matrix(rf@processed_dta$y))[,1][idx_set],
                           (p_oob_idx_weights$weightMatrix %*% as.matrix(rf@processed_dta$y))[,1])
                 , TRUE)

    # Test doubleOOB aggregation
    if (rf@doubleBootstrap) {
      p_doob <- predict(rf, newdata = x_new, aggregation = "doubleOOB")
      p_doob_idx <- predict(rf, newdata = x_new[idx_set,], aggregation = "doubleOOB", trainingIdx = idx_set)
      expect_equal(all.equal(p_doob[idx_set], p_doob_idx), TRUE)

      # Check weight matrix equality
      p_doob_weights <- predict(rf, newdata = x_new, aggregation = "doubleOOB", weightMatrix = TRUE)
      p_doob_idx_weights <- predict(rf, newdata = x_new[idx_set,], aggregation = "doubleOOB", trainingIdx = idx_set, weightMatrix = TRUE)

      expect_equal(all.equal((p_doob_weights$weightMatrix %*% as.matrix(rf@processed_dta$y))[,1][idx_set],
                             (p_doob_idx_weights$weightMatrix %*% as.matrix(rf@processed_dta$y))[,1])
                   , TRUE)

  xtrain <- iris[,-c(1,5)]
  ytrain <- iris[,1]

  idx_use <- sample(1:150, replace = FALSE, size = 23)

  # Check standard OOB honest forest
  forest <- forestry(x = xtrain,
                     y = ytrain,
                     seed = 101,
                     OOBhonest = TRUE)

  #predict(forest, newdata = xtrain[c(1,4,5),], trainingIdx = c(1,4,5), aggregation = "oob", weightMatrix = TRUE)

  check_oob_preds(forest, idx_set = idx_use)

  # Check standard forest
  forest_other <- forestry(x = xtrain,
                           y = ytrain,
                           seed = 101)

  check_oob_preds(forest_other, idx_set = idx_use)

  # Check standard honest forest
  forest_std_honesty <- forestry(x = xtrain,
                                 y = ytrain,
                                 seed = 101,
                                 splitratio = .4)

  check_oob_preds(forest_std_honesty, idx_set = idx_use)

  # Check OOBhonest = TRUE with no double Bootstrap forest
  forest_no_double_boot <- forestry(x = xtrain,
                                    y = ytrain,
                                    seed = 101,
                                    OOBhonest = TRUE,
                                    doubleBootstrap = FALSE)

  check_oob_preds(forest_no_double_boot, idx_set = idx_use)

  # Test groups option forest
  forest_groups <- forestry(x = xtrain,
                            y = ytrain,
                            seed = 101,
                            OOBhonest = TRUE,
                            groups = as.factor(iris$Species))

  check_oob_preds(forest_groups, idx_set = idx_use)

  forest <- forestry(x = xtrain,
                     y = ytrain,
                     seed = 101,
                     OOBhonest = TRUE)

  # Now do an extreme set of tests with arbitrary randomized index sets
  for (i in 1:20){
    idx <- sample(1:150, replace = FALSE, size = i+5)
    check_oob_preds(rf = forest, idx_set = idx)

  # Check error handling =======================================================
    predict_OOBpreds <- predict(forest, newdata = xtrain[1:20,],
                                aggregation = "average", trainingIdx = 1:20),
    "trainingIdx are only used when aggregation is oob or doubleOOB. The current aggregation doesn't match either so trainingIdx will be ignored"
  # Expect the output to be using average aggregation
  expect_equal(all.equal(predict_OOBpreds, predict(forest, newdata = xtrain[1:20,])), TRUE)

    predict_OOBpreds <- predict(forest_groups, aggregation = "average"),
    "When using an aggregation that is not oob or doubleOOB, one must supply newdata"

    predict_OOBpreds <- predict(forest_groups, aggregation = "oob", newdata = xtrain[1:30,]),
    "trainingIdx must be set when doing out of bag predictions with a data set not equal in size to the training data set"

    predict_OOBpreds <- predict(forest_groups, aggregation = "oob", newdata = xtrain[1:30,], trainingIdx = 1:20),
    "The length of trainingIdx must be the same as the number of observations in the training data"


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Rforestry documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:33 p.m.