ramanathan: sample scrips from _gretl_ 'Ramanathan' selection

Description Usage Format Source


sample scrips from gretl 'Ramanathan' selection translated as R character vectors; they can be executed via run_grcli.


# names(ramanathan)
# show_sample(ramanathan$PS3.1)
# run_grcli(ramanathan$PS3.1)


List containing 73 sample scripts (= character vectors) which can be executed via run_grcli. Use names(ramanathan) to see the list of scripts; use show_sample(ramanathan[[i]]) to print a script in intelligible format; use run_grcli(ramanathan[[i]]) to execute it (i in 1:73). gretl sample scripts are readily available via GUI but not via command line interface. Hence, this set of scripts make the use of Rgretl more self-sufficient. A printing of show_sample(ramanathan[[i]]) looks exactly the same as the original hansl script (hansl is the name of gretl built-in language). Since hansl scripts were translated as R character vectors, modifications were made in using quotes and escapes: single quotes (') were prepended by backslashes (\') in comments and and in code properly where it serves as matrix transposition sign, and backslashes (\) were substituted for double backslashes (\\) for breaking long lines of code (it is very similar to typing this fragment of ‘ramanathan.Rd’ file: I had to type triple backslash above for a reader would see the double one). This is exactly what to be done if a user wishes copy-paste printing into R script editor and create an R character string enclosed by single quotes (say, to use it as a template for her own code).


gretl sample scripts

Rgretl documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:46 p.m.