formatHex: Flexibly Format Numbers in Binary, Hex and Decimal Format

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formatHexR Documentation

Flexibly Format Numbers in Binary, Hex and Decimal Format


Show numbers in binary, hex and decimal format. The resulting character-like objects can be back-transformed to "mpfr" numbers via mpfr().


formatHex(x, precBits = min(getPrec(x)), style = "+", expAlign = TRUE)

formatBin(x, precBits = min(getPrec(x)), scientific = TRUE,
          left.pad = "_", right.pad = left.pad, style = "+", expAlign = TRUE)

formatDec(x, precBits = min(getPrec(x)), digits = decdigits,
          nsmall = NULL, scientific = FALSE, style = "+",
          decimalPointAlign = TRUE, ...)



a numeric or mpfr R object.


integer, the number of bits of precision, typically derived from x, see getPrec. Numeric, i.e., double precision numbers have 53 bits. For more detail, see mpfr.


a single character, to be used in sprintf's format (fmt), immediately after the " sets a sign in the output, i.e., "+" or "-", where as style = " " may seem more standard.


logical indicating if for scientific (“exponential”) representations the exponents should be aligned to the same width, i.e., zero-padded to the same number of digits.


logical indicating that formatBin should display the binary representation in scientific notation (mpfr(3, 5) is displayed as +0b1.1000p+1). When FALSE, formatBin will display the binary representation in regular format shifted to align binary points (mpfr(3, 5) is displayed +0b11.000).


additional optional arguments. formatHex, formatBin: precBits is the only ... argument acted on. Other ... arguments are ignored.

formatDec: precBits is acted on. Any argument accepted by format (except nsmall) is acted on. Other ... arguments are ignored.

left.pad, right.pad

characters (one-character strings) that will be used for left- and right-padding of the formatted string when scientific=FALSE. Do not change these unless for display-only purpose !!


only used when scientific is false, then passed to format(). If NULL, the default is computed from the range of the non-zero values of x.


integer; the number of decimal digits displayed is the larger of this argument and the internally generated value that is a function of precBits. This is related to but different than digits in format.


logical indicating if padding should be used to ensure that the resulting strings align on the decimal point (".").


For the hexadecimal representation, when the precision is not larger than double precision, sprintf() is used directly, otherwise formatMpfr() is used and post processed. For the binary representation, the hexadecimal value is calculated and then edited by substitution of the binary representation of the hex characters coded in the HextoBin vector. For binary with scientific=FALSE, the result of the scientific=TRUE version is edited to align binary points. For the decimal representation, the hexadecimal value is calculated with the specified precision and then sent to the format function for scientific=FALSE or to the sprintf function for scientific=TRUE.


a character vector (or matrix) like x, say r, containing the formatted represention of x, with a class (unless left.pad or right.pad were not "_"). In that case, formatHex() and formatBin() return class "Ncharacter"; for that, mpfr(.) has a method and will basically return x, i.e., work as inverse function.

Since Rmpfr version 0.6-2, the S3 class "Ncharacter" extends "character". (class(.) is now of length two and class(.)[2] is "character".). There are simple [ and print methods; modifying or setting dim works as well.


Richard M. Heiberger, with minor tweaking by Martin M.


R FAQ 7.31: Why doesn't R think these numbers are equal? system.file("../../doc/FAQ")

See Also

mpfr, sprintf


FourBits <- mpfr(matrix(0:31, 8, 4, dimnames = list(0:7, c(0,8,16,24))),
                 precBits=4) ## 4 significant bits

formatBin(FourBits, style = " ")
formatBin(FourBits, scientific=FALSE)

## as "Ncharacter"  'inherits from' "character", this now works too :
data.frame(Dec = c( formatDec(FourBits) ), formatHex(FourBits),
           Bin = formatBin(FourBits, style = " "))

FBB <- formatBin(FourBits) ; clB <- class(FBB)
(nFBB <- mpfr(FBB))
stopifnot(class(FBB)[1] == "Ncharacter",
          all.equal(nFBB, FourBits, tol=0))

FBH <- formatHex(FourBits) ; clH <- class(FBH)
(nFBH <- mpfr(FBH))
stopifnot(class(FBH)[1] == "Ncharacter",
          all.equal(nFBH, FourBits, tol=0))

## Compare the different "formattings"  (details will change, i.e. improve!)%% FIXME
M <- mpfr(c(-Inf, -1.25, 1/(-Inf), NA, 0, .5, 1:2, Inf), 3)
data.frame(fH = formatHex(M), f16 = format(M, base=16),
           fB = formatBin(M), f2  = format(M, base= 2),
           fD = formatDec(M), f10 = format(M), # base = 10 is default
           fSci= format(M, scientific=TRUE),
           fFix= format(M, scientific=FALSE))

## Other methods ("[", t()) also work :
stopifnot(dim(F1 <- FBB[, 1, drop=FALSE]) == c(8,1), identical(class(  F1), clB),
          dim(t(F1)) == c(1,8),                      identical(class(t(F1)),clB),
          is.null(dim(F.2 <- FBB[,2])),              identical(class( F.2), clB),
          dim(F22 <- FBH[1:2, 3:4]) == c(2,2), identical(class(F22),  clH),
          identical(class(FBH[2,3]), clH), is.null(dim(FBH[2,3])),
          identical(FBH[2,3:4], F22[2,]),
          identical(FBH[2,3], unname(FBH[,3][2])),

TenFrac <- matrix((1:10)/10, dimnames=list(1:10, expression(1/x)))
TenFrac9 <- mpfr(TenFrac, precBits=9) ## 9 significant bits
formatBin(TenFrac9, scientific=FALSE)
formatDec(TenFrac9, precBits=10)

Rmpfr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:04 a.m.