PickandsEstimator: Function to compute Pickands estimates for the GPD and GEVD

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/PickandsEstimator.R


Function PickandsEstimator computes Pickands estimator (for the GPD and GEVD) at real data and returns an object of class Estimate.


PickandsEstimator(x, ParamFamily=GParetoFamily(), alpha=2,
            name, Infos, nuis.idx = NULL,
            trafo = NULL, fixed = NULL, na.rm = TRUE,
.PickandsEstimator(x, alpha=2, GPD.l = TRUE)



(empirical) data


numeric > 1; determines the variant of the Pickands-Estimator based on matching the empirical quantiles to levels \code{a1=1-1/alpha} and \code{a2=1-1/alpha^2} (in the GPD case) resp. \code{a1=exp(-1/alpha)} and \code{a2=exp(-1/alpha^2)} (in the GEVD case) against the population counter parts. The ”classical” Pickands Estimator building up on the median is obtained for alpha=2 for the GPD and for alpha = 1/log(2) for the GEVD. If alpha is missing we set it to the optimal value (see note below).


an object of class "GParetoFamily" or "GEVFamily".


optional name for estimator.


character: optional informations about estimator


optionally the indices of the estimate belonging to nuisance parameter


optionally (numeric) the fixed part of the parameter


an object of class MatrixorFunction – a transformation for the main parameter


logical: if TRUE, the estimator is evaluated at complete.cases(x).


not yet used.


logical: if TRUE the variant for GPD is used, else for GEVD.


The actual work is done in .PickandsEstimator. The wrapper PickandsEstimator pre-treats the data, and constructs a respective Estimate object.



A numeric vector of length 2 with components named scale and shape.


An object of S4-class "Estimate".


The scale estimate we use, i.e., with scale = beta and shape = xi, we estimate scale by \code{beta= xi*a1/(alpha^xi-1)}, differs from the one given in the original reference, where it was \code{beta= xi * a1^2 /(a2-2*a1)}. The one chosen here avoids taking differences a2-2*a1 hence does not require a2>2*a1; this leads to (functional) breakdown point (bdp)


which is independent xi, whereas the original setting leads to a bdp which is depending on xi

\code{min(a1,1-a2,a2-1+(2*alpha^xi-1)^(-1/xi))} for GPD

\code{min(a1,1-a2,a2-exp(-(2*alpha^xi-1)^(-1/xi)))} for GEVD

. As a consequence our setting, the bdp-optimal choice of alpha for GDP is 2 leading to bdp 1/4, and 2.248 for GEVD leading to bdp 0.180. For comparison, with the original setting, at xi=0.7, this gives optimal bdp's 0.070 and 0.060 for GPD and GEVD, respectively. The standard choice of alpha such that a1 gives the median (alpha=2 in the GPD and alpha=1/log(2) in the GEVD) in our setting gives bdp's of 1/4 and 0.119 for GPD and GEVD, respectively, and in the original setting, at xi=0.7, gives bdp's 0.064 and 0.023.


Nataliya Horbenko nhorbenko@gmail.com,
Peter Ruckdeschel peter.ruckdeschel@uni-oldenburg.de


P. Ruckdeschel, N. Horbenko (2012): Yet another breakdown point notion: EFSBP –illustrated at scale-shape models. Metrika, 75(8), 1025–1047.

J. Pickands (1975): Statistical inference using extreme order statistics. Ann. Stat. 3(1), 119–131.

See Also

ParamFamily-class, ParamFamily, Estimate-class


## (empirical) Data
x <- rgpd(50, scale = 0.5, shape = 3)
y <- rgev(50, scale = 0.5, shape = 3)
## parametric family of probability measures
P <- GParetoFamily(scale = 1, shape = 2)
G <- GEVFamily(scale = 1, shape = 2)
PickandsEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = P)
PickandsEstimator(x = y, ParamFamily = G)

Example output

Loading required package: distrMod
Loading required package: distr
Loading required package: startupmsg
:startupmsg>  Utilities for Start-Up Messages (version 0.9.6)
:startupmsg>  For more information see ?"startupmsg",
:startupmsg>  NEWS("startupmsg")

Loading required package: sfsmisc
:distr>  Object Oriented Implementation of Distributions (version
:distr>  2.8.0)
:distr>  Attention: Arithmetics on distribution objects are
:distr>  understood as operations on corresponding random variables
:distr>  (r.v.s); see distrARITH().
:distr>  Some functions from package 'stats' are intentionally masked
:distr>  ---see distrMASK().
:distr>  Note that global options are controlled by distroptions()
:distr>  ---c.f. ?"distroptions".
:distr>  For more information see ?"distr", NEWS("distr"), as well as
:distr>    http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
:distr>  Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package as
:distr>  well as to several extension packages; try
:distr>  vignette("distr").

Attaching package:distrThe following objects are masked frompackage:stats:

    df, qqplot, sd

Loading required package: distrEx
:distrEx>  Extensions of Package 'distr' (version 2.8.0)
:distrEx>  Note: Packages "e1071", "moments", "fBasics" should be
:distrEx>  attached /before/ package "distrEx". See
:distrEx>  distrExMASK().Note: Extreme value distribution
:distrEx>  functionality has been moved to
:distrEx>        package "RobExtremes". See distrExMOVED().
:distrEx>  For more information see ?"distrEx", NEWS("distrEx"), as
:distrEx>  well as
:distrEx>    http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
:distrEx>  Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package
:distrEx>  as well as to several related packages; try
:distrEx>  vignette("distr").

Attaching package:distrExThe following objects are masked frompackage:stats:

    IQR, mad, median, var

Loading required package: RandVar
:RandVar>  Implementation of Random Variables (version 1.2.1)
:RandVar>  For more information see ?"RandVar", NEWS("RandVar"), as
:RandVar>  well as
:RandVar>    http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/
:RandVar>  This package also includes a vignette; try
:RandVar>  vignette("RandVar").

Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: stats4
:distrMod>  Object Oriented Implementation of Probability Models
:distrMod>  (version 2.8.4)
:distrMod>  Some functions from pkg's 'base' and 'stats' are
:distrMod>  intentionally masked ---see distrModMASK().
:distrMod>  Note that global options are controlled by
:distrMod>  distrModoptions() ---c.f. ?"distrModoptions".
:distrMod>  For more information see ?"distrMod",
:distrMod>  NEWS("distrMod"), as well as
:distrMod>    http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
:distrMod>  There is a vignette to this package; try
:distrMod>  vignette("distrMod").
:distrMod>  Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to the other
:distrMod>  distrXXX packages,
:distrMod>  as well as to several related packages; try
:distrMod>  vignette("distr").

Attaching package: ‘distrMod’

The following object is masked from ‘package:stats4’:


The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:


The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:


Loading required package: ROptEst
Loading required package: RobAStBase
Loading required package: rrcov
Loading required package: robustbase
Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point (version 1.5-5)

:RobAStBase>  Robust Asymptotic Statistics (version 1.2.1)
:RobAStBase>  Some functions from pkg's 'stats' and 'graphics'
:RobAStBase>  are intentionally masked ---see RobAStBaseMASK().
:RobAStBase>  Note that global options are controlled by
:RobAStBase>  RobAStBaseoptions() ---c.f. ?"RobAStBaseoptions".
:RobAStBase>  For more information see ?"RobAStBase",
:RobAStBase>  NEWS("RobAStBase"), as well as
:RobAStBase>    http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/

Attaching package:RobAStBaseThe following object is masked frompackage:graphics:


Loading required package: evd
:RobExtremes>  Optimally Robust Estimation for Extreme Value
:RobExtremes>  Distributions (version 1.2.0)
:RobExtremes>  For more information see ?"RobExtremes",
:RobExtremes>  NEWS("RobExtremes"), as well as
:RobExtremes>    http://robast.r-forge.r-project.org/

Attaching package:RobExtremesThe following objects are masked frompackage:robustbase:

    Qn, Sn

Evaluations of PickandsEstimator:
An object of classEstimategenerated by call
  PickandsEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = P)
samplesize:   50
     scale       shape  
  0.5965601   2.6028314 
 (0.3762822) (0.9050787)
asymptotic (co)variance (multiplied with samplesize):
           scale     shape
scale   7.079416 -12.26167
shape -12.261670  40.95837
     method              message
[1,] "PickandsEstimator" ""     
Evaluations of PickandsEstimator:
An object of classEstimategenerated by call
  PickandsEstimator(x = y, ParamFamily = G)
samplesize:   50
     scale       shape  
  0.2180708   2.7928952 
 (0.2214988) (1.0254982)
asymptotic (co)variance (multiplied with samplesize):
          scale     shape
scale  2.453087 -7.936753
shape -7.936753 52.582325
     method              message
[1,] "PickandsEstimator" ""     

RobExtremes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:44 p.m.