internalProbFamilyClasses-class: Internal Classes for Method Dispatch in 'ProbFamliy' Classes

InternalProbFamilyClasses-classR Documentation

Internal Classes for Method Dispatch in 'ProbFamliy' Classes


Internal S4 classes for method dispatch in 'L2ParamFamily' and 'L2LocationFamily' (and friends) and in the respective parameter classes.

Described classes

In this file we describe classes L2LocScaleShapeUnion and ParamWithLocAndScaleAndShapeFamParameter.
Class L2LocScaleShapeUnion is a virtual class, extending class L2GroupParamFamily with new slot locscaleshapename (and, in fact, but not by S4 inheritance, containing classes L2ScaleShapeUnion and L2LocationScaleFamily). It is the parent class of class GEVFamilyMuUnknown.
Class ParamWithLocAndScaleAndShapeFamParameterUnion is a virtual class (union) containing classes ParamWithScaleFamParameter and ParamWithShapeFamParameter.
Class ParamWithLocAndScaleAndShapeFamParameter “extends” (no new slots) class ParamWithScaleAndShapeFamParameter. It is the class of the parameter in the class GEVFamilyMuUnknown.

Objects from these classes

Objects are only generated internally by the mentioned generating functions.



signature(object = "L2LocationScaleShapeUnion"): accesses the respective slot of the class


signature(object = "L2LocationScaleShapeUnion"): accesses the location and scale part of the respective slot of the class


signature(object = "L2LocationScaleShapeUnion"): accesses the scale and shape part of the respective slot of the class


signature(object = "L2LocationScaleShapeUnion"): accesses the location part of the respective slot of the class


signature(object = "L2LocationScaleShapeUnion"): accesses the scale part of the respective slot of the class


signature(object = "L2LocationScaleShapeUnion"): accesses the shape part of the respective slot of the class


signature(object = "L2LocationScaleShapeUnion", value = "character"): replaces the respective slot of the class


Peter Ruckdeschel

See Also

L2ParamFamily-class, L2ScaleShapeUnion-class, L2LocationScaleFamily-class, ParamWithScaleAndShapeFamParameter-class, ParamWithScaleFamParameter-class, ParamWithShapeFamParameter-class.

RobExtremes documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:11 p.m.