Man pages for RobMixReg
Robust Mixture Regression

biscalewbiscalew :Robust M-estimates for scale.
bisquarebisquare : Robust estimates for mean.
blockMapPlot the coefficient matrix.
CCLE_dataRobMixReg package built-in CCLE data.
colon_dataRobMixReg package built-in Colon cancer data.
compPlotThe plot wrapper function.
Compute_Rbase_SVDCompute the row space using SVD.
CSMRThe main function of the RBSL algorithm.
CSMR_onePerform the RBSL algorithm one times.
CSMR_predictThe predict function of the CSMR algorithm.
CSMR_trainThe train function of the CSMR algorithm.
CTLERob-methodsCTLERob: Robust mixture regression based on component-wise...
denLpdenLp : Density function for Laplace distribution.
DeOutDeOut : Detect outlier observations.
flexmix_2flexmix_2: Multiple runs of MLE based mixture regression to...
gaussDataRobMixReg package built-in gaussian example data.
lars.lsalars variant for LSA.
logLik_mixtureRegObtain Log-likelihood from a mixtureReg Object
lsaLeast square approximation. This version Oct 19, 2006.
mixlinrb_bi-methodsmixlinrb_bi: mixlinrb_bione estimates the mixture regression...
mixlinrb_bionemixlinrb_bione : mixlinrb_bione estimates the mixture...
mixLp-methodsmixLp : mixLp_one estimates the mixture regression parameters...
mixLp_onemixLp_one : mixLp_one estimates the mixture regression...
mixtureRegFunction to Fit Mixture of Regressions
MLMThe main function of mining the latent relationship among...
MLM_bicModel selection function for low dimension data.
MLM_cvCross validation (fold-5) function for high dimension data.
orderedLinesSort by X Coordinates and Add Line to a Plot
plot_CTLE-methodsplot_CTLE: Plot the mixture/single regression line(s) in a...
plot_mixtureRegPlot Fit and Mixing Probability of a mixtureReg Object
plot_mixtureRegListPlot a List of mixtureReg Objects
Rec_LmAdaptive lasso.
rmrThe main function of Robust Mixture Regression using five...
RobMixReg-classClass RobMixReg.
simuDataRobMixReg package built-in simulated example data.
simu_data_sparseSimulate high dimension data for RBSL algorithm validation.
simu_funcThe simulation function for low/high dimensional space.
simu_lowThe simulation function for low dimensional space.
TLE-methodsTLE: robust mixture regression based on trimmed likelihood...
RobMixReg documentation built on Aug. 5, 2020, 5:08 p.m.