
Defines functions robincar_glm

Documented in robincar_glm

#' Covariate adjustment using generalized linear working model
#' Estimate treatment-group-specific response means and (optionally)
#' treatment group contrasts using a generalized linear working model.
#' The output is the AIPW estimator given by (for each treatment group \eqn{a}):
#' \deqn{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \hat{\mu}_a(X_i) + \frac{1}{n_a} \sum_{i:A_i=a} \{Y_i - \hat{\mu}(X_i)\}}
#' where \eqn{Y_i} is the outcome, \eqn{A_i} is the treatment assignment, \eqn{X_i} are the covariates, \eqn{n_a = \sum_{i=1}^{n} A_i=a},
#' and \eqn{\hat{\mu}_a} is the estimated conditional mean function based on the GLM working model.
#' This working model has treatment \eqn{a}-specific coefficients if `adj_method` is "heterogeneous". Otherwise, they are shared across the treatment arms.
#' Alternatively, if `formula` is used, the working model can be specified according to the user.
#' Importantly, the estimated variance accounts for misspecification of the working model, and for covariate-adaptive randomization.
#' @param df A data.frame with the required columns
#' @param treat_col Name of column in df with treatment variable
#' @param response_col Name of the column in df with response variable
#' @param formula The formula to use for adjustment specified using as.formula("..."). This overrides car_strata_cols and covariate_cols.
#' @param car_strata_cols Names of columns in df with car_strata variables
#' @param car_scheme Name of the type of covariate-adaptive randomization scheme. One of: "simple", "pocock-simon", "biased-coin", "permuted-block".
#' @param contrast_h An optional function to specify a desired contrast
#' @param contrast_dh An optional jacobian function for the contrast (otherwise use numerical derivative)
#' @param g_family Family that would be supplied to glm(...), e.g., binomial. If no link specified, will use default link, like behavior in glm.
#'                 If you wish to use a negative binomial working model with an unknown dispersion parameter, then use `g_family="nb"`.
#' @param g_accuracy Level of accuracy to check prediction un-biasedness.
#' @export
#' @returns If `contrast_h` argument is used, outputs a `main` and a `contrast` object. The `main` object has the following structure:
#'  \item{result}{A \link[dplyr:tibble]{dplyr::tibble()} with the treatment label, treatment mean estimate using AIPW, estimated SE, and p-value based on a z-test with estimate and SE.}
#'  \item{varcov}{The variance-covariance matrix for the treatment mean estimates.}
#'  \item{settings}{List of model settings used in covariate adjustment.}
#'  \item{original_df}{The original dataset provided by the user.}
#'  \item{mod}{The fit from the \link[stats:glm]{glm()} working model used for covariate adjustment.}
#'  \item{mu_a}{Predicted potential outcomes for each treatment category (columns) and individual (rows). These are the \eqn{\hat{\mu}_a}}.
#'  \item{g.estimate}{The G-computation estimate based only on \eqn{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \hat{\mu}_a(X_i)}. This is equivalent to the AIPW estimate when a canonical link function is used.}
#'  \item{data}{Attributes about the dataset.}
#'  The `contrast` object has a structure that is documented in \link[RobinCar:robincar_contrast]{RobinCar::robincar_contrast()}.
robincar_glm <- function(df,
                         treat_col, response_col,
                         formula=NULL, car_strata_cols=NULL,
                         g_family=stats::gaussian, g_accuracy=7,
                         contrast_h=NULL, contrast_dh=NULL){

  .check.car_scheme(car_scheme, car_strata_cols)

  vcovHC <- "HC0"

  data <- .make.data(
    df=df, classname="RoboDataGLM",

  # Create model object
  model <- .make.model(

  # Perform adjustment
  result <- adjust(model, data)
  # This is to save the original dataset for calibration add_x later on
  result$original_df <- df

  # Create transformation object
    c_result <- robincar_contrast(
    result <- list(main=result, contrast=c_result)


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RobinCar documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:03 a.m.