Man pages for RobustGaSP
Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation

as.S3predictionConvert a 'rgasp' or 'ppgasp' 'S4 object' prediction into a...
as.S4predictionConvert a 'RobustGaSP' 'S3 object' prediction into a 'S4...
boreholeBorehole function
construct_ppgaspPP GaSP constructor after estimating the parameters
construct_rgaspRobust GaSP constructor after estimating the parameters
dettepepel.3.dataDette & Pepelyshev (2010) Curved Function
environ.4.dataEnvironmental model function
euclidean_distanceEuclidean distance matrix between two input matrices
findInertInputsfind inert inputs with the posterior mode
friedman.5.dataFriedman Function
generate_predictive_mean_covA C++ function to generate predictive mean and cholesky...
higdon.1.dataHigdon (2002) Function
humanity_modeldata from the humanity model
leave_one_out_rgaspleave-one-out fitted values and standard deviation for robust...
limetal.2.dataLim et at. (2002) nonpolynomial function
log_approx_ref_priorThe natural logarithm of the jointly robust prior (up to a...
log_approx_ref_prior_derivDerivative of the jointly robust prior
log_marginal_likNatural logarithm of marginal likelihood of the robust GaSP...
log_marginal_lik_derivDerivative of natural logarithm of the marginal likelihood
log_marginal_lik_deriv_ppgaspDerivative of natural logarithm of the marginal likelihood
log_marginal_lik_ppgaspNatural logarithm of marginal likelihood of the PP GaSP model
log_profile_likNatural logarithm of profile likelihood of the robust GaSP...
log_profile_lik_derivDerivative of natural logarithm of the profile likelihood
log_profile_lik_deriv_ppgaspDerivative of natural logarithm of the profile likelihood
log_profile_lik_ppgaspNatural logarithm of profile likelihood of the PP GaSP model
log_ref_marginal_postNatural logarithm of reference marginal posterior density of...
log_ref_marginal_post_ppgaspNatural logarithm of reference marginal posterior density of...
matern_3_2_derivThe derivative of matern correlation function (roughness...
matern_3_2_functMatern correlation function with roughness parameter equal to...
matern_5_2_derivThe derivative of matern correlation function with regard to...
matern_5_2_functMatern correlation function with roughness parameter equal to...
neg_log_marginal_post_approx_refNatural logarithm of approximate reference marginal posterior...
neg_log_marginal_post_approx_ref_derivDerivative of negative natural logarithm of approximate...
neg_log_marginal_post_approx_ref_deriv_ppgaspDerivative of negative natural logarithm of approximate...
neg_log_marginal_post_approx_ref_ppgaspNatural logarithm of approximate reference marginal posterior...
neg_log_marginal_post_refNegative natural logarithm of reference marginal posterior...
neg_log_marginal_post_ref_ppgaspNegative natural logarithm of reference marginal posterior...
periodic_exp_derivThe derivative of periodic exponential correlation function...
periodic_exp_functPeriodic folding of the exponential correlation function .
periodic_gauss_derivThe derivative of periodic Gaussian correlation function with...
periodic_gauss_functPeriodic folding of the Gaussian correlation function .
plot.rgaspPlot for Robust GaSP model
pow_exp_derivThe derivative of power exponential correlation function with...
pow_exp_functPow exponential correlation function.
ppgaspSetting up the parallel partial GaSP model
ppgasp-classPP GaSP class
predict.ppgaspPrediction for PP GaSP model
predict.rgaspPrediction for Robust GaSP model
predppgasp-classPredicted PP GaSP class
pred_rgaspPrediction for robust GaSP model
predrgasp-classPredictive robust GaSP class
rgaspSetting up the robust GaSP model
rgasp-classRobust GaSP class
RobustGaSP-packageRobust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation
Sample.rgaspSample for Robust GaSP model
search_LB_probSearch for the default lower bound of range parameters.
separable_kernelProduct correlation matrix with the product form
separable_multi_kernelProduct correlation matrix with the product form
show.ppgaspShow parllel partial Gaussian stochastic process (PP GaSP)...
show.rgaspShow Robust GaSP object
simulate.rgaspSample for Robust GaSP model
RobustGaSP documentation built on June 1, 2022, 9:08 a.m.