
Defines functions vcgGeodesicPath vcgGeodist vcgDijkstra

Documented in vcgDijkstra vcgGeodesicPath vcgGeodist

#' @title Compute pseudo-geodesic distances on a triangular mesh
#' @param x triangular mesh of class \code{mesh3d}
#' @param vertpointer integer: references indices of vertices on the mesh, typically only a single query vertex.
#' @param maxdist positive scalar double, the maximal distance to travel along the mesh when computing distances. Leave at \code{NULL} to traverse the full mesh. This can be used to speed up the computation if you are only interested in geodesic distances to neighbors within a limited distance around the query vertices.
#' @return returns a vector of shortest distances for each of the vertices to one of the vertices referenced in \code{vertpointer}. If \code{maxdis}t is in use (not \code{NULL}), the distance values for vertices outside the requested \code{maxdist} are not computed and appear as \code{0}.
#' @examples
#' ## Compute geodesic distance between all mesh vertices and the first vertex of a mesh
#' data(humface)
#' geo <- vcgDijkstra(humface,1)
#' if (interactive()) {
#' require(Morpho);require(rgl)
#' meshDist(humface,distvec = geo)
#' spheres3d(vert2points(humface)[1,],col=2)
#' }
#' @note Make sure to have a clean manifold mesh. Note that this computes the length of the pseudo-geodesic path (following the edges) between the two vertices.
#' @export
vcgDijkstra <- function(x, vertpointer, maxdist=NULL) {
    vertpointer <- as.integer(vertpointer-1)
    vb <- x$vb
    it <- x$it-1
    if(is.null(maxdist)) {
      maxdist = -1.0;
    if(! (is.numeric(maxdist) && length(maxdist) == 1L)) {
      stop("Parameter 'maxdist' must be NULL or a scalar double value.");
    out <- .Call("Rdijkstra",vb,it,vertpointer, as.double(maxdist));

#' @title Compute pseudo-geodesic distance between two points on a mesh
#' @param x triangular mesh of class \code{mesh3d}
#' @param pt1 3D coordinate on mesh or index of vertex
#' @param pt2 3D coordinate on mesh or index of vertex
#' @return returns the geodesic distance between \code{pt1} and \code{pt2}.
#' @note Make sure to have a clean manifold mesh. Note that this computes the length of the pseudo-geodesic path (following the edges) between the two vertices closest to these points.
#' @examples
#' data(humface)
#' pt1 <- humface.lm[1,]
#' pt2 <- humface.lm[5,]
#' vcgGeodist(humface,pt1,pt2)
#' @export
vcgGeodist <- function(x,pt1,pt2) {
    if (length(pt1) == 1)
        pt1 <- x$vb[1:3,pt1]
    if (length(pt2) == 1)
        pt2 <- x$vb[1:3,pt2]
    mypts <- rbind(pt1,pt2)
    clost <- vcgKDtree(x,mypts,k=1)
    geo <- vcgDijkstra(x,vertpointer = clost$index[1,1])[clost$index[2,1]]

#' @title Compute geodesic path and path length between vertices on a mesh
#' @note Currently no reachability checks are performed, so you have to be sure that the mesh is connected, or at least that the source and target vertices are reachable from one another.
#' @param x triangular mesh of class \code{mesh3d} from the \code{rgl} package.
#' @param source scalar positive integer, the source vertex index.
#' @param targets positive integer vector, the target vertex indices.
#' @param maxdist numeric, the maximal distance to travel along the mesh edges during geodesic distance computation.
#' @return named list with two entries as follows. \code{'paths'}: list of integer vectors, representing the paths. \code{'geodist'}: double vector, the geodesic distances from the source vertex to all vertices in the graph.
#' @examples
#' data(humface)
#' p = vcgGeodesicPath(humface,50,c(500,5000))
#' p$paths[[1]];   # The path 50..500
#' p$geodist[500]; # Its path length.
#' @export
vcgGeodesicPath <- function(x, source, targets, maxdist=1e6) {
  num_verts = ncol(x$vb);
  if(source < 1L || source > num_verts) {
    stop(sprintf("Parameter 'source' must be an integer in range %d to %d.\n", 1L, num_verts));
  if(any(targets < 1L) | any(targets > num_verts)) {
      stop(sprintf("All entries of parameter 'targets' must be integers in range %d to %d.\n", 1L, num_verts));
  vertpointer_source <- as.integer(source - 1L)
  vertpointer_targets <- as.integer(targets - 1L)
  vb <- x$vb
  it <- x$it - 1L
  out <- .Call("RGeodesicPath",vb,it,vertpointer_source,vertpointer_targets, maxdist)

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Rvcg documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.