db_locks: Sets, queries and removes locks for database tables

db_locksR Documentation

Sets, queries and removes locks for database tables


This set of function adds a simple locking system to database tables.

  • lock_table() adds a record in the schema.locks table with the current time and R-session process id.

  • unlock_table() removes records in the schema.locks table with the target table and the R-session process id.

When locking a table, the function will check for existing locks on the table and produce an error a lock is held by a process which no longer exists. In this case, the lock needs to be removed manually by removing the record from the lock table. In addition, the error implies that a table may have partial updates that needs to be manually rolled back.


lock_table(conn, db_table, schema = NULL)

unlock_table(conn, db_table, schema = NULL, pid = Sys.getpid())



Connection object.


A specification of "schema.table" to modify lock for.


The schema where the "locks" table should be created.


The process id to remove the lock for.


  • lock_table() returns the TRUE (FALSE) if the lock was (un)successfully added. If a lock exists for a non-active process, an error is thrown.

  • unlock_table() returns NULL (called for side effects).


  conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite())

  lock_table(conn, "test_table") # TRUE

  unlock_table(conn, "test_table")


SCDB documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 1:09 a.m.