
Defines functions makeFits_initial

Documented in makeFits_initial

#' @title Prepare results for cosine model fit with given initialization for two parameters.
#' @description Performs the nonlinear least squares (NLS) regression method for the cosine
#' model, with the given initial values for amplitude and intercept. It fits the NLS method
#' as required, and then computes different quantities for the birth seasonality estimates
#' corresponding to different individuals.
#' @param paths A list of data frames, where each frame contains the data for one individual. Every
#' data frame should have two columns with names 'distance' and 'oxygen'.
#' @param amplitude Initial value for the amplitude parameter.
#' @param intercept Initial value for the intercept parameter.
#' @export
#' @returns
#' A data frame containing the following components:
#' \item{amplitude}{estimated amplitude}
#' \item{intercept}{estimated intercept}
#' \item{x0}{delay of the data}
#' \item{X}{period of the data}
#' \item{birth}{birth seasonality estimate}
#' \item{predictedMin}{predicted minimum for the oxygen isotope variable}
#' \item{predictedMax}{predicted maximum for the oxygen isotope variable}
#' \item{observedMin}{observed minimum for the oxygen isotope variable}
#' \item{observedMax}{observed minimum for the oxygen isotope variable}
#' \item{MSE}{mean squared error corresponding to the model fit for every individual}
#' \item{Pearson}{Pearson's R^2 corresponding to the model fit for every individual}
#' @examples
#' armenia_split = split(armenia,f = armenia$ID)
#' amp = seq(1,10,by=0.5)
#' int = seq(-25,0,by=0.5)
#' makeFits_initial(armenia_split,amp[1],int[1])

makeFits_initial = function(paths,
                         intercept) {
  for(i in 1:length(paths)){
    if (!any(colnames(paths[[i]])==c("distance","oxygen"))) {stop('data frame does not contain columns named distance and oxygen')}
  if (! is.atomic(amplitude) || !length(amplitude)==1) {stop('amplitude needs to be a single value')}
  if (! is.atomic(intercept) || !length(intercept)==1) {stop('intercept needs to be a single value')}
  for(i in 1:length(paths)){if (any(is.na(paths[[i]]))) {stop('Data has NAs')}}

  fits = c()
  for(i in 1:length(paths)) {
    data = paths[[i]]
    curve = sineFit(data,amplitude,intercept, method = "initial")
    fit = convertParameters(curve)
    fit$predictedMin = fit$intercept - abs(fit$amplitude)
    fit$predictedMax = fit$intercept + abs(fit$amplitude)
    fit$observedMin = min(data$oxygen)
    fit$observedMax = max(data$oxygen)
    fit$MSE = mean((predict(curve)-data$oxygen)^2)
    fit$PearsonCorrelation = stats::cor(predict(curve),paths[[i]]$oxygen,method="pearson")
    fits = rbind(fits, as.numeric(fit))
  fits = data.frame(fits)
  colnames(fits) = c("amplitude","intercept","x0","X","birth","predictedMin",



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SCEM documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:50 p.m.