SECP-package: Statistical Estimation of Cluster Parameters (SECP)

SECP-packageR Documentation

Statistical Estimation of Cluster Parameters (SECP)


Estimating parameters of site clusters on 2D & 3D square lattice with various lattice sizes, relative fractions of open sites (occupation probability), iso- & anisotropy, von Neumann & Moore (1,d)-neighborhoods, and weighted distribution, described by Moskalev P.V. (2011) <arXiv:1105.2334v1>.


Package: SECP
Type: Package
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 2022-05-10
License: GPL-3

asc2s() and asc3s() functions calculates the boundary coordinates for the anisotropic set cover on a 2D & 3D square lattice with a fixed edge & face along the lattice boundary.
isc2s() and isc3s() functions calculates the boundary coordinates for the isotropic set cover on the 2D & 3D square lattice with a fixed point in the lattice center.
fdc2s() and fdc3s() functions use a linear regression model for statistical estimation of the mass fractal dimension of a site cluster on 2D & 3D square lattice.
fds2s() and fds3s() functions use a linear regression model for statistical estimation of the mass fractal dimension of sampling clusters on 2D & 3D square lattice.


Pavel V. Moskalev <>


Moskalev P.V., Grebennikov K.V. and Shitov V.V. (2011) Statistical estimation of percolation cluster parameters. Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Systems Analysis and Information Technologies, No.1 (January-June), pp.29-35, arXiv:1105.2334v1; in Russian.

SECP documentation built on May 11, 2022, 9:05 a.m.