isc3s: Isotropic set cover on the 3D square lattice

View source: R/isc2s.r

isc3sR Documentation

Isotropic set cover on the 3D square lattice


isc3s() function calculates the boundary coordinates for the isotropic set cover on the 3D square lattice with a fixed point in the lattice center.


isc3s(k=12, x=rep(95, times=3), o=(x+1)/2, r=min(o-2)^(seq(k)/k))



a maximal set cover size: k>2.


a vector of lattice sizes: all(x>5).


a fixed point of set cover elements: all((0<o)&(o<x)).


a variable radius of set cover elements: all((0<r)&(r<x)).


The percolation is simulated on 3D square lattice with uniformly weighted sites and the constant parameter p.

The percolation cluster is formed from the accessible sites connected with initial sites subset.

If an initial cluster subset in the lattice center, to estimate the mass fractal dimension requires an isotropic set cover with a fixed point in the lattice center.

The isotropic set cover on 3D square lattice is formed from scalable cubes with variable sizes 2r+1 and a fixed point in the lattice center.


A list of boundary coordinates and sizes for the isotropic set cover on a 3D square lattice with a fixed point in the lattice center.


Pavel V. Moskalev

See Also

fdc2s, fds2s, fds3s


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Example: Isotropic set cover
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
pc <- .311608
p2 <- pc + .03
lx <- 33; ss <- (lx+1)/2
set.seed(20120627); ac2 <- ssi30(x=lx, p=p2)
bnd <- isc3s(k=9, x=dim(ac2))
x <- z <- seq(lx); y2 <- ac2[,ss,]
image(x, z, y2, cex.main=1,
      main=paste("Isotropic set cover and\n",
                 "a 3D cluster of sites in the y=",ss," slice with\n",
                 "(1,0)-neighborhood and p=",
                 round(p2, digits=3), sep=""))
rect(bnd["x1",], bnd["z1",], bnd["x2",], bnd["z2",])
abline(h=ss, lty=2); abline(v=ss, lty=2)

SECP documentation built on May 11, 2022, 9:05 a.m.