smith19.use: Smith19.use data.

smith19.useR Documentation

Smith19.use data.


A dataset is used in Parenting Risk and Resilience, Social-emotional Readiness, and Reading Achievement in Kindergarten Children from Low-income Families Model. Author(s): Sondra Smith-Adcock, Walter Leite, Yasemine Kaya & Ellen Amatea. **Source:** Journal of Child and Family Studies, vol 28(Oct., 2019), pp. 2826-2841. Published by: Springer Nature in Journal of Child and Family studies DOI:<>




A data frame with 3444 observations and 39 variables


The dataset was taken from the public-use data of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 of the National Center for Educational Statistics ( This dataset should not be combined with other data for the purpose of identifying participants.

SEMsens documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 1:05 a.m.