Man pages for SLBDD
Statistical Learning for Big Dependent Data

arimaIDAutomatic Modeling of a Scalar Time Series
arimaSpecAutomatic Modeling of a Scalar Non-Seasonal Time Series
chkseaCheck the Seasonality of Each Component of a Multiple Time...
chktransCheck for Possible Non-linear Transformations of a Multiple...
clothingCloth sales in China
ClusKurCluster Identification Procedure using Projections on...
CPIEurope200015Price Indexes EUUS
dfmpcDynamic Factor Model by Principal Components
DLdataCreate an input data matrix for a Deep learning program that...
draw.coefRandom Draw of Coefficients for AR Models and MA Models
edqplotPlot the Observed Time Series and Selected EDQs (Empirical...
edqtsEmpirical Dynamic Quantile for Visualization of...
FREDMDApril19Federal Reserve Bank at St Louis.
gap.clusGap statistics
GCCclusClustering of Time Series Using the Generalized Cross...
GCCmatrixGeneralized Cross-Correlation Matrix
gdpsimple6c8018Growth of GDP in 6 Countries
i.plotPlot a Selected Time Series Using Quantile as the Background
i.qplotPlot the Closest Series to a Given Timewise Quantile Series
i.qrankRank Individual Time Series According to a Given Timewise...
Lambda.selSelect the Penalty Parameter of LASSO-type Linear Regression
locations032017Locations of Air-Box Devices in Taiwan
mdec1to5Monthly Simple Returns of United States Market Portfolios.
mexpimpcnusMonthly Exports and Imports of China and United States.
mts.plotPlot Multiple Time Series in One Frame
mts.qplotPlot Timewise Quantiles in One Frame
outlierLassoOutliers LASSO
outlier.plotFind Outliers Using an Upper and a Lower Timewise Quantile...
outliers.hdtsMultivariate Outlier Detection
PElectricity1344Electricity Prices in New England and USA
quantileBoxQuantile Boxplot
rnnStreamSetup the Input and Output for a Recurrent Neural Network
sarimaSpecAutomatic Modeling of a Scalar Seasonal Time Series
scatterACFScatterplot of Two Selected-lag Autocorrelation Functions
SelectedSeriesIdentified the Series with the Given Order
silh.clusFind the Number of Clusters by the Standard Silhouette...
sim.urarimaGenerate Unit-root ARIMA Possibly Seasonal Time Series
sSelectedSeriesSelected Seasonal Time Series
sSummaryModelCollects All Models Specified by "sarimaSpec"
Stockindexes99worldWorld Stock Indexes
SummaryccmSummary Statistics of Cross-Correlation Matrices
SummaryModelCollects All Models Specified by "arimaSpec"
SummaryOutliersSummary Outliers
TaiwanAirBox032017Hourly PM25 Measurements from Air-Box Devices in Taiwan
TaiwanPM25Hourly PM25 Measurements in Taiwan
temperaturesWorld Temperatures
tsBoostBoosting with Simple Linear Regression
ts.boxBoxplots of the Medians of Subperiods
UMEdata20002018Quarterly Economic Series of the European Monetary Union
SLBDD documentation built on April 27, 2022, 5:08 p.m.