Man pages for SMARTbayesR
Bayesian Set of Best Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Sample Size in SMARTs for Binary Outcomes

LogORLog-Odds Ratios for Embedded Dynamic Treatment Regimes
LogRRLog Risk Ratios for Embedded Dynamic Treatment Regimes
MCBUpperLimitsSimultaneous Upper Credible Intervals
PosteriorEDTRProbsConvert Treatment Sequence Draws into Embedded Dynamic...
PosteriorTrtSeqProbTreatment Sequence Response Probabilities from Dataset
PowerBayesianPower Calculation for a SMART with a Binary Outcome
RDRisk Differences for Embedded Dynamic Treatment Regimes
SimDesign1Simulate a SMART with Design 1
SMARTbayesRSMARTbayesR: A package for Bayesian computation of optimal...
SMARTbayesR documentation built on Oct. 1, 2021, 1:06 a.m.