protoDist: Compute distances between prototypes

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples

View source: R/som.R


Compute distances, either between all prototypes (mode = "complete") or only between prototypes' neighbours (mode = "neighbors").


protoDist(object, mode = c("complete", "neighbors"), radius = 1, ...)



a somRes object.


Specifies which distances should be computed (default to "complete").


Radius used to fetch the neighbors (default to 1). The distance used to compute the neighbors is the Euclidean distance.


Not used.


When mode="complete", distances between all prototypes are computed. When mode="neighbors", distances are computed only between the prototypes and their neighbors. If the data were preprocessed during the SOM training procedure, the distances are computed on the normalized values of the prototypes.


When mode = "complete", the function returns a square matrix which dimensions are equal to the product of the grid dimensions.

When mode = "neighbors", the function returns a list which length is equal to the product of the grid dimensions; the length of each item is equal to the number of neighbors. Neurons are considered to have 8 neighbors at most (i.e., two neurons are neighbors if they have an Euclidean distance smaller than radius. Natural choice for radius is 1 for hexagonal topology and 1 or sqrt(2) for square topology (4 and 8 neighbors respectively).


Madalina Olteanu
Nathalie Vialaneix

See Also



my.som <- trainSOM( = iris[,1:4], dimension = c(5,5))

Example output

Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package:igraphThe following objects are masked frompackage:stats:

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked frompackage:base:


Loading required package: markdown


      This is 'SOMbrero' package, v 1.3.1

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           1         2         3         4         5         6         7
1  0.0000000 0.3178170 0.7408293 1.1873168 1.5535594 0.4242205 0.2704839
2  0.3178170 0.0000000 0.4241642 0.8716052 1.2385739 0.6765640 0.3694890
3  0.7408293 0.4241642 0.0000000 0.4476473 0.8148699 1.0539550 0.7145318
4  1.1873168 0.8716052 0.4476473 0.0000000 0.3673269 1.4750979 1.1335358
5  1.5535594 1.2385739 0.8148699 0.3673269 0.0000000 1.8273535 1.4873385
6  0.4242205 0.6765640 1.0539550 1.4750979 1.8273535 0.0000000 0.3420686
7  0.2704839 0.3694890 0.7145318 1.1335358 1.4873385 0.3420686 0.0000000
8  0.5694140 0.3115716 0.2962500 0.6786450 1.0298408 0.7984145 0.4577351
9  1.0335849 0.7289397 0.3318952 0.2241131 0.5448079 1.2840738 0.9449666
10 1.4308620 1.1205963 0.7028318 0.2747054 0.1693646 1.6836295 1.3459022
11 1.0348050 1.2591381 1.5837690 1.9594793 2.2823774 0.6110457 0.8924930
12 0.7578400 0.9369763 1.2376949 1.6078411 1.9314759 0.3694616 0.5677968
13 0.5971279 0.5923354 0.7778170 1.1147570 1.4322971 0.5125970 0.3277878
14 0.8660063 0.6286171 0.4404700 0.5973509 0.8831257 1.0088492 0.6943626
15 1.2589775 0.9673679 0.5901318 0.3271829 0.4486932 1.4632733 1.1347884
16 1.6408078 1.8534736 2.1486381 2.4903603 2.7871109 1.2173883 1.4842460
17 1.3755262 1.5681803 1.8490598 2.1855254 2.4818605 0.9584404 1.1992039
18 1.0340019 1.1585036 1.3881543 1.7019917 1.9917703 0.6777154 0.8048885
19 0.8791876 0.8215290 0.8852633 1.1225141 1.3897981 0.7751266 0.6129033
20 1.0814771 0.8567636 0.6390679 0.6586858 0.8605283 1.1772881 0.8866896
21 2.0544193 2.2609021 2.5412032 2.8642276 3.1453950 1.6313879 1.8916124
22 1.8606525 2.0561706 2.3273826 2.6460001 2.9259879 1.4403025 1.6874070
23 1.5406395 1.7032690 1.9462413 2.2496035 2.5238369 1.1366351 1.3396851
24 1.1838512 1.2604531 1.4294616 1.6941465 1.9544154 0.8675581 0.9329772
25 1.0367296 0.9561532 0.9633482 1.1401936 1.3723707 0.9349396 0.7728872
           8         9        10        11        12        13        14
1  0.5694140 1.0335849 1.4308620 1.0348050 0.7578400 0.5971279 0.8660063
2  0.3115716 0.7289397 1.1205963 1.2591381 0.9369763 0.5923354 0.6286171
3  0.2962500 0.3318952 0.7028318 1.5837690 1.2376949 0.7778170 0.4404700
4  0.6786450 0.2241131 0.2747054 1.9594793 1.6078411 1.1147570 0.5973509
5  1.0298408 0.5448079 0.1693646 2.2823774 1.9314759 1.4322971 0.8831257
6  0.7984145 1.2840738 1.6836295 0.6110457 0.3694616 0.5125970 1.0088492
7  0.4577351 0.9449666 1.3459022 0.8924930 0.5677968 0.3277878 0.6943626
8  0.0000000 0.4877645 0.8894063 1.2963087 0.9473204 0.4818723 0.3170686
9  0.4877645 0.0000000 0.4019441 1.7461652 1.3943448 0.8977335 0.3735323
10 0.8894063 0.4019441 0.0000000 2.1234045 1.7731703 1.2734218 0.7204601
11 1.2963087 1.7461652 2.1234045 0.0000000 0.3520920 0.8507098 1.4045566
12 0.9473204 1.3943448 1.7731703 0.3520920 0.0000000 0.4999031 1.0554554
13 0.4818723 0.8977335 1.2734218 0.8507098 0.4999031 0.0000000 0.5562842
14 0.3170686 0.3735323 0.7204601 1.4045566 1.0554554 0.5562842 0.0000000
15 0.6930269 0.2605406 0.2795068 1.8675400 1.5199832 1.0217625 0.4658817
16 1.8543146 2.2697204 2.6219613 0.6064133 0.9191366 1.3806551 1.9067395
17 1.5538600 1.9645613 2.3167698 0.3685392 0.6314393 1.0775414 1.6012172
18 1.0924176 1.4796176 1.8261178 0.4265197 0.3142711 0.6105852 1.1127605
19 0.6157947 0.8989165 1.2224726 0.9640214 0.6460432 0.2879389 0.5254610
20 0.5454165 0.4585732 0.6915596 1.5004032 1.1630602 0.6842219 0.2290312
21 2.2455574 2.6416398 2.9783114 1.0206097 1.3242334 1.7663328 2.2726587
22 2.0315129 2.4232193 2.7588385 0.8338946 1.1197287 1.5511985 2.0537610
23 1.6506389 2.0263130 2.3563541 0.5826310 0.7832137 1.1688552 1.6551531
24 1.1405811 1.4706616 1.7862895 0.6350482 0.5219592 0.6752231 1.0973415
25 0.7190423 0.9209502 1.2036693 1.0723852 0.7767204 0.4503646 0.5572813
          15        16        17        18        19        20        21
1  1.2589775 1.6408078 1.3755262 1.0340019 0.8791876 1.0814771 2.0544193
2  0.9673679 1.8534736 1.5681803 1.1585036 0.8215290 0.8567636 2.2609021
3  0.5901318 2.1486381 1.8490598 1.3881543 0.8852633 0.6390679 2.5412032
4  0.3271829 2.4903603 2.1855254 1.7019917 1.1225141 0.6586858 2.8642276
5  0.4486932 2.7871109 2.4818605 1.9917703 1.3897981 0.8605283 3.1453950
6  1.4632733 1.2173883 0.9584404 0.6777154 0.7751266 1.1772881 1.6313879
7  1.1347884 1.4842460 1.1992039 0.8048885 0.6129033 0.8866896 1.8916124
8  0.6930269 1.8543146 1.5538600 1.0924176 0.6157947 0.5454165 2.2455574
9  0.2605406 2.2697204 1.9645613 1.4796176 0.8989165 0.4585732 2.6416398
10 0.2795068 2.6219613 2.3167698 1.8261178 1.2224726 0.6915596 2.9783114
11 1.8675400 0.6064133 0.3685392 0.4265197 0.9640214 1.5004032 1.0206097
12 1.5199832 0.9191366 0.6314393 0.3142711 0.6460432 1.1630602 1.3242334
13 1.0217625 1.3806551 1.0775414 0.6105852 0.2879389 0.6842219 1.7663328
14 0.4658817 1.9067395 1.6012172 1.1127605 0.5254610 0.2290312 2.2726587
15 0.0000000 2.3516788 2.0469230 1.5555180 0.9485152 0.4122360 2.7033532
16 2.3516788 0.0000000 0.3056046 0.7963138 1.4048423 1.9543409 0.4143859
17 2.0469230 0.3056046 0.0000000 0.4915611 1.1010452 1.6512356 0.6947122
18 1.5555180 0.7963138 0.4915611 0.0000000 0.6098425 1.1603892 1.1629165
19 0.9485152 1.4048423 1.1010452 0.6098425 0.0000000 0.5506592 1.7562793
20 0.4122360 1.9543409 1.6512356 1.1603892 0.5506592 0.0000000 2.2972550
21 2.7033532 0.4143859 0.6947122 1.1629165 1.7562793 2.2972550 0.0000000
22 2.4838161 0.2485315 0.4883687 0.9454023 1.5367972 2.0777898 0.2195744
23 2.0806484 0.3519411 0.2318452 0.5582924 1.1350659 1.6737731 0.6237036
24 1.5091223 0.8823263 0.5978739 0.2235936 0.5720155 1.1001523 1.1989014
25 0.9247886 1.4621966 1.1644495 0.6838115 0.1632056 0.5129428 1.7904188
          22        23        24        25
1  1.8606525 1.5406395 1.1838512 1.0367296
2  2.0561706 1.7032690 1.2604531 0.9561532
3  2.3273826 1.9462413 1.4294616 0.9633482
4  2.6460001 2.2496035 1.6941465 1.1401936
5  2.9259879 2.5238369 1.9544154 1.3723707
6  1.4403025 1.1366351 0.8675581 0.9349396
7  1.6874070 1.3396851 0.9329772 0.7728872
8  2.0315129 1.6506389 1.1405811 0.7190423
9  2.4232193 2.0263130 1.4706616 0.9209502
10 2.7588385 2.3563541 1.7862895 1.2036693
11 0.8338946 0.5826310 0.6350482 1.0723852
12 1.1197287 0.7832137 0.5219592 0.7767204
13 1.5511985 1.1688552 0.6752231 0.4503646
14 2.0537610 1.6551531 1.0973415 0.5572813
15 2.4838161 2.0806484 1.5091223 0.9247886
16 0.2485315 0.3519411 0.8823263 1.4621966
17 0.4883687 0.2318452 0.5978739 1.1644495
18 0.9454023 0.5582924 0.2235936 0.6838115
19 1.5367972 1.1350659 0.5720155 0.1632056
20 2.0777898 1.6737731 1.1001523 0.5129428
21 0.2195744 0.6237036 1.1989014 1.7904188
22 0.0000000 0.4045136 0.9798912 1.5714013
23 0.4045136 0.0000000 0.5754035 1.1669217
24 0.9798912 0.5754035 0.0000000 0.5915595
25 1.5714013 1.1669217 0.5915595 0.0000000

SOMbrero documentation built on Jan. 4, 2022, 1:07 a.m.