Man pages for SPODT
Spatial Oblique Decision Tree

dataBALL0Example data file
dataBALL0_5Example data file
dataBALL1_5Example data file
dataBALL2Example data file
dataCOVExample data file
dataMALARIAExample data file
dataSQUARE0Example data file
dataSQUARE0_5Example data file
dataSQUARE1_5Example data file
dataSQUARE2Example data file
dataV0Example data file
dataV0_5Example data file
dataV1_5Example data file
dataV2Example data file
spodtSpatial Oblique Decision Tree main function
spodt-classClass '"spodt"' Spatial Oblique Decision Tree object
SPODT-packageSPatial Oblique Decision Tree
spodtSpatialLinesBoundaries of the spatial classification issued from SPODT
spodt.treeSpatial Classification Tree
test.spodtMonte Carlo hypothesis test of the SPODT classification
SPODT documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:43 a.m.