
Defines functions reserve_locs

Documented in reserve_locs

#' NERRS Sampling Location Data Frame
#' Create a data.frame of selected NERRS locations for plotting with \code{res_national_map}
#' @param incl Str vector to include AK, HI, and PR
#' @param subset_reserve chr string of 3 letter reserve IDs to include as data points. To include He'eia use the reserve code 'HEA'.
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_transform
#' @export
#' @details A helper function used to generate a \code{data.frame} of selected reserve locations for use with \code{\link{res_national_map}}.
#' @author Julie Padilla, Dave Eslinger
#' @concept miscellaneous
#' @return Returns a \code{data.frame} for internal use with \code{res_national_map}
reserve_locs <- function(incl = c('contig', 'AK', 'HI', 'PR'), subset_reserve = NULL) {

  loc <- get('sampling_stations')
  loc <- loc[(loc$Station.Type == 0 & loc$Status == 'Active' & loc$isSWMP == 'P'), ]

  # add hawaii
  if(!('hi' %in% unique(loc$State))) {
    hi <- c(NA, 'HEA', rep(NA, 2), 21.433193, 157.813641, rep(NA, 2), 'hi', rep(NA, 7))
    loc <- rbind(loc, hi)

  # formatting
  loc$Latitude <- as.numeric(loc$Latitude)
  loc$Longitude <- as.numeric(loc$Longitude)
  loc$Longitude <- loc$Longitude * -1

  # Convert to {sf} object in WGS84 lat/lon projection.  Keep coordinate fields just in case.
  loc <- sf::st_as_sf(loc, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs = 4236, remove = FALSE)

  # Keep ak, hi and pr, filter & project with ggplot/grob as needed
  loc_mod <- loc

  if(!is.null(subset_reserve)) loc_mod <- loc_mod[(loc_mod$NERR.Site.ID %in% subset_reserve), ]


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SWMPrExtension documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:44 a.m.