Sample.Size-package: Sample size calculation

Description Details Author(s) Examples


Computes the required sample size using the optimal designs with multiple constraints proposed in Mayo et al.(2010). This optimal method is designed for two-arm, randomized phase II clinical trials, and the required sample size can be optimized either using fixed or flexible randomization allocation ratios.


Package: SampleSize_OptimalDesign
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-12-03
License: GPL-2


Wei Jiang, Jonathan Mahnken, Matthew Mayo Maintainer: Wei Jiang<>


Sample.Size(0.3, 0.6, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, Allratio_c = 1, Allratio_e = 3)
Sample.Size(0.3, 0.6, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15)

Example output

Specified values for parameters: 
Response rates: 
 control = 0.3 experiment = 0.6 
Upper bounds for constriants: 
 gammaC = 0.15 gammaE = 0.15 gammaDelta = 0.15 
Required sample sizes: 
[1] Optimal Design: 
 nc = 20 ne = 20 n = 40 
[2] 1 to 1 Allocation Design: 
 nc = 20 ne = 20 n = 40 
[3] 1 to 3 Allocation Design: 
 nc = 13 ne = 39 n = 52 
Specified values for parameters: 
Response rates: 
 control = 0.3 experiment = 0.6 
Upper bounds for constriants: 
 gammaC = 0.15 gammaE = 0.15 gammaDelta = 0.15 
Required sample sizes: 
[1] Optimal Design: 
 nc = 20 ne = 20 n = 40 
[2] 1 to 1 Allocation Design: 
 nc = 20 ne = 20 n = 40 

Sample.Size documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:57 p.m.