messages: SeerMapper Generated Warning and Error Messages

Description Details


SeerMapper package tries to anticipates error and problems in the R environment and generate more specific warnings and error messages to help the user understand the problems and effect a solution and avoid as many cryptic R type messages.

Each message, warning and error message is documented in this section with the general form of the message and a friendly explanation and advice on what may be wrong and how to fix the issue identified.

All SeerMapper messages all start with "***" to help quickly find them in the warnings() logs and general output.

The general format of the messages is:

    ***XXX text of message

where the XXX is a unique numeric identifier for the message.

When requesting support, it is recommended to include a copy of the data and r script used to call the package and a copy of the output log of the preparation and execution of SeerMapper.


Conventions: The message may contain dynamic values based on information and variables related to the problem and provided by the caller. These values appear in message below as <nnnnn> strings. The following is a list of the possible <nnnnn> strings the message may contain and their definition.

The <nnnnn> string will be replaced with a value relevent to the SeerMapper function call being serviced.


a list of the bad colors found in the dataCol when categ was set to "COLORS".


A list of invalid location IDs found in the idCol column of the <ndfName> data.frame.


a list of invalid options in either the hatch or the mLegend call parameter lists.


a list of bad data values found in the <dataCol> in the <ndfName> data.frame.


the maximum number of categories the package will support.


A character vector used to contain the 4 digit census year of the boundary data files to use with the data location IDs. The values of "2000" and "2010" are supported.


A character vector representating the name of a colors from the colors() function or a 6 or 8 digit hexidecimal value (e.g., "#rrggbb" or "#rrggbbaa"). In the warning/error message this string is a color value that is not valid.


A character vector defining the color to be used as the borders on the sub-areas containing data. This may be the state, county or tract boundaries depending on what is being mapped.


a column name or number provided in the dataCol call parameter. It identifies the column in the <ndfName> data.frame, that contains the data to be categorized, used a the integer category value, or the fill color for the sub-area.


the default value for the specific parameter.


a column name or number provided in the hatching dataCol option. It identifies the column in the <ndfName> data.frame, that contains the data to be used to determine if hatchings should be done over a sub-area.

<high value>

the numerical value. Represents the hign end of a range.


The value of the idCol call parameter. It is the location id column name or number in the <ndfName> data.frame provided as the first call parameter.


A list of location IDs referred to my the message.

<low value>

the numerical value. Represents the low end of a range.


The number of columns in the <ndfName> data.frame supplied by the caller.


A list of boundary datasets required for the Location IDs found in the <ndfName> data.frame that cannot be found in the list of loaded data() collection under R.


A list of SeerMapper family packages that must be installed to be able to support the Location IDs in the <ndrName> data.frame and the census year call parameter. The packages include: SeerMapperEast, SeerMapperWest, SeerMapper2010, SeerMapper2010East, and SeerMapper2010West.


The name of the statistics data.frame provided as the first call parameter in the SeerMapper function call. The data.frame contains the location id of the data and the data to be categorized and mapped.


The number that may be the value of a parameter or a range limit of a call parameter.


A character vector of a R package name. This is generally one of the supplement census tract packages: SeerMapperEast, SeerMapperWest, SeerMapper2010, SeerMapper2010East, and SeerMapper2010West.


A character vector containing a character vector assigned to the palColors call parameter.


Based on the value of the palColors call parameter specified, the package obtains the maximum number of colors it can obtains from the RColorBrewer for palette selected. palColorsMaxNum is that value.

<row numbers>

One or more logical row numbers in the <ndfName> data.frame. The package may use the sequence row number of a row to help the user identify the data.frame row being referred to in the message. The first row is 1.


The value assigned to the call parameter mentioned in the message.


The R variable type of the value provided in a call parameters.


the numerical value of the call parameter in error.


The last two digits of the census year: "00" or "10".


The following is a listing of all SeerMapper generated messages and a description of possible causes and solutions. Each message contain specific variable information to help quickly identify the cause of the problems and allow the user to fix it and re-run the package.

The error and warning message generated by the SeerMapper and SeerMapper2010 packages are listed below in numerical order:


The censusYear parameter is set to <censusYear> and is invalid. It must be '2000' or '2010'.

The call parameter censusYear is an internal parameter and is not generally used by the user. It's only allowed census years are 2000 and 2010. If the value of <censusYear> call parameter is any other value text, the package terminate execution. It is recommended the user use the SeerMapper and SeerMapper2010 function calls without this call parameter


The Location IDs in column idCol in the <ndfName> data.frame are a mix of numbers and characters. They must be all digits for FIPS codes or characters for Seer Area Abbreviations.

The location ids supplied in the idCol column are not a valid type of variable. They must be either digits or character strings. Correct the location ids in the data.frame and re-run. An alternate cause may be the specification of the wrong column in the data.frame.


The palColors parameter value of <palColors> is not valid in the RColorBrewer package. The default of 'RdYlBu' will be used.

The value of the palColors call parameter must be acceptable to the RColorBrewer functions.

The acceptable values are: 'Blues', 'BuGn', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'Oranges', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'PuBuGn', 'PuRd', 'Purples', 'RdPu', 'Reds', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', and 'Set3'

Correct the call parameter and re-run.


us48Only parameter is not a logical value of TRUE or FALSE. The default of TRUE will be used.

The us48Only call parameter must be a logical value of TRUE or FALSE.


includePR parameter is not a logical value of TRUE or FALSE. The default of FALSE will be used.

The includePR must be a logicial TRUE or FALSE.


The first parameter should be the statistics data.frame, but is missing or NULL.

The first call parameter is not a data.frame or is missing. Verify the <ndfName> variable exists and is a data.frame with the correct structure. The 'str(<ndrName>)' R command can be used to help.


<ndfName> parameter is not a corrrectly formed data.frame.

The first call parameter is not a properly formed data.frame. It must have at least one row and one column. Inspect the variable using 'str(<ndfName>)' and correct the problem.


<ndfName> data.frame muat have at least one column for Data.

The <ndfName> data.frame is using the row.names of the data.frame for the location id. One column must be present to provide the data for the categorization or color for the sub-area. Inspect the data.frame using 'str(<ndfName>)' and correct the problem.


<ndfName> data.frame muat have at least two columns for ID and Data.

The <ndfName> data.frame must have at least two columns. One for the location ID and one for the data. Inspect the data.frame using 'str(<ndfName>)' and correct the problem.


<ndfName> data.frame does not have any data rows. Must have at least one row of data.

Check the <ndfName> data.frame, correct to provide Location ID column and data column and re-run.


idCol parameter is out of range. It must be a column number between 1 and <maxColumnN>.

The idCol call parameter specifies a column number in the <ndfName> data.frame. However, the number is less that 1 or greater than the number of columns in the data.frame (<maxColumnN>). Correct the value assigned to the idCol parameter.


idCol parameter is not a valid column name (<idCol>) in the <ndfName> data.frame.

The idCol call parameter specifies a column name in the <ndfName> data.frame. However, there is no column with the specified name (<idCol>). Correct the value assigned to the idCol parameter.


idCol parameter is not the correct data type (<typeof>). Must be numeric or character.

The idCol call parameter must be a numeric(integer) or character vector with length of 1. Verify and correct the value assigned to the idCol parameter.


idCol parameter is a character string, but is empty.

The idCol call parameter is a character vector, but is empty (""). It must point to a column in the <ndfName> data.frame. Correct the value assigned to the idCol parameter.


The following ID values are not valid FIPS codes. Check the first two digits for proper state codes: <badIDs>

Before loading the county and tract boundary data, the ID is check to see if all of the state fips codes are correct. This message identifies the row entry(ies) where the first to digits of the FIPS code is not a valid state Fips code. Review the IDs on the supplied data and correct any invalid ID codees.


dataCol parameter is out of range. It must be a column number between 1 and <maxColumnN>.

The dataCol call parameter is specified as the column number in the <ndfName> data.frame. However, the value is out of range (< 1 or > the number of columns in the data.frame <maxColumnN>. Correct the dataCol call parameter and rerun.


dataCol parameter is not a valid column name (<dataCol>) in the <ndfName> data.frame.

The dataCol call parameter is specified as the column name in the <ndfName> data.frame. However, the column name does not exist. Correct the dataCol call parameter and rerun.


dataCol parameter is not the correct data type (<typeof>). Must be numeric or character.

The dataCol call parameter is not the correct data type <typeof>. It must be a numeric or character vector. Correct the dataCol call parameter and rerun.


dataCol parameter is a character string, but is empty.

The dataCol call parameter is a character vector (string), but is empty (""). Correct the dataCol call parameter and rerun.


The dataCol parameter is set to NULL or NA, The default column name of '<default>' will be used.

The dataCol call parameter is missing, NULL or set to NA. The default of <default> witl be used. The default is specified by <default> and is the column name of 'Rate'. If dataCol is not specified, make sure the data is placed in the <ndfName> data.frame column named 'RATE'.


The following data rows in column <dataCol> of the <ndfName> data.frame contains missing (NA) values and will not be mapped. Location IDs: <idList>

The data in the column identified by <dataCol> or "Rate" contains one or more missing values (NA). The list of location IDs with missing values is provided in the <idList> section of the message. Any location with missing data will not be categorized or sub-area colored. It's boundary will be drawn, but colored "white". Correct any locations with missing values and re-run.


Some of the data values in the <dataCol> column in the <ndfName> data.frame are not numeric values. Sub-areas will not be mapped. Location IDs: <idList>

The data in column <dataCol> of the data.frame was a factor or character type. The values provided could not be converted to numeric. The <idList> provide the list of location ids with the bad numeric data values. Review and correct these values and re-run.


Some of values in data column <dataCol> are not numeric values. Value set to NA.

After initial validation of the data in column dataCol, when categorization is requested, one or more of the values were found to be NA (missing) The data row in the <ndfName> data.frame are ignored and the sub-area is not categorized mapping area filled with any color.


Bad value(s): <badValues>

In association with message 062, <badValues> is a the rows in the <ndfName> data.frame that contain bad data. The rows are dropped and not mapped.


The data column <dataCol> in <ndfName> data.frame is not numeric or character type data. Processing terminated.

The value provided at the dataCol call parameter is not a numeric or character value. It may be a 'logical' or other type of value that cannot be used to to identify the data column in the <ndrName> data.frame Execution is stopped.


Data in column (<dataCol>) in <ndfName> data.frame contains one or more values that are not a color and will be ignored.

The categ is set to "COLORS". The package will use the colors in the column as the fill colors for the sub-areas. However, one or more of the values in the <dataCol> column are not valid colors. The data must be character vectors and either the name of a color that matches one returned by the colors() function or a 6 or 8 digit hexidecimal character vector (e.g., "#rrggbb" or "#rrggbbaa")

The sub-areas with invalided colors will be drawn filled with "white".


Bad Color values: <badColors>

<badColors> is a list of bad colors found in the <dataCol> column related to message 095 when categ="COLORS". Sub-areas with these values will be drawn but filled with "white".


The dataCol (<dataCol>) contains <number> colors. It is recommended to limit the number of colors to 11.

Any number of colors can be used to create a map. However, is a legend is to be created, it's recommended 11 colors or less be sued. The package found <number> of colors present in the data. Complications may occur when the legend is drawn for the map.


The regionB call parameter is <string> and must be 'NONE', 'DATA' or 'ALL'. The default of '<default>' will be used.

The boundary control regionB must be a character vector and have a value of "NONE", "DATA", or "ALL". It is set to the default based on the data being mapped. <default> indicates the default being used, either "NONE" or "DATA".


The stateB call parameter is <string> and must be 'NONE', 'DATA' or 'ALL'. The default of '<default>' will be used.

The boundary control stateB must be a character vector and have a value of "NONE", "DATA", or "ALL". It is set to the default based on the data being mapped. <default> indicates the default being used, either "NONE" or "DATA".


The seerB call parameter is <string> and must be 'NONE', 'DATA', 'STATE', or 'ALL'. The default of '<default>' will be used.

The boundary control seerB must be a character vector and have a value of "NONE", "DATA", "STATE" or "ALL". It is set to the default based on the data being mapped. <default> indicates the default being used, either "NONE" or "DATA".


The hsaB call parameter is <string> and must be 'NONE', 'DATA', or 'STATE'. The default of '<default>' will be used.

The boundary control seerB must be a character vector and have a value of "NONE", "DATA", "STATE" or "ALL". It is set to the default based on the data being mapped. <default> indicates the default being used, either "NONE" or "DATA".


The countyB call parameter is <string> and must be 'NONE', 'DATA', 'SEER', or 'STATE'. The default of '<default>' will be used.

The boundary control countyB must be a character vector and have a value of 'NONE', 'DATA', 'HSA', 'SEER', or 'STATE'. It is set to the default based on the data being mapped. <default> indicates the default being used, either "NONE" or "DATA".


tractB call parameter is <string> and must be 'NONE', 'DATA', 'COUNTY', 'HSA','SEER' or 'STATE'. The default of '<default>' will be used.

The boundary control tractB must be a character vector and have a value of "NONE", "DATA", "COUNTY", "HSA", "SEER", or "STATE". It is set to the default based on the data being mapped. <default> indicates the default being used, either "NONE" or "DATA".


The fillTo call parameter is <string> and must be 'NONE', 'COUNTY', 'SEER', or 'STATE'. The default of 'NONE' will be used."

The boundary control fillTo must be a character vector and have a value of "NONE", "COUNTY", "SEER", or "STATE". It is set to the default of "NONE", This parameter is being retired.


The clipTo call parameter is <string> and must be 'NONE', 'DATA', 'HSA', 'SEER', 'STATE', 'REGION' or 'TRUE'/'FALSE'. The default of 'NONE' will be used."

The boundary control clipTo must be a character vector and have a value of "NONE", "DATA", "HSA", "SEER", "STATE" or "REGION" or a logical value of TRUE or FALSE. It is set to the default of "NONE",


The clipTo value specifies a geographic level lower than the data level. The clipTo value set to 'DATA'.

The clipTo value must be set to value higher than the geographic level of the data being mapped. If the data being mapped is at the HSA level, clipTo can only be set to "NONE", "DATA", "SEER", "STATE", or "REGION".


The dataBCol call parameter is not a valid color: <dataBCol>. The default of 'black' will be used.

The dataBCol call parameter value is not a valid color. The parameter was set to "<dataBCol>". The value must be the name of a color from the set of names returned by the colors() function or a 6 or 8 digit hexidecimal character string (e.g., "#rrggbb" or "#rrggbbaa"). The default color of 'black' is will be used.


The brkPtDigits call parameter must be greater than 0, no greater than 5 and not NA. Set to a value of 2.

The brkPtDigits call parameter is out of range. It must be > 0 and <= 5 digits. The calculated values for the break point when categ is set to a number of categories, will be rounded to the default value of 2 decimal digits. Correct or remove the call parameter for future maps.


The 'mTitle' option can only contain one or two strings. Only the first two will be used.

The mTitle option can consist of one or two charactor vectors (e.g. mTitle=c("Title Line 1","Sub-title line 2"). However, when checking the mTitle option it's length is > 2. Only the first two title lines will be used. For future maps, reduce the number of title lines to 2 or less.


The 'mTitle' option is not a character vector. 'mTitle' parameter is ignored.

The mTitle option is not a character vector. Only character vectors are supported for titles of maps. The mTitle option is ignored. Correct to get titles on future maps.


The 'mTitle.cex' call parameter is out of range (<=0 or >4). 'mTitle.cex' is set to the default of 1.

The mTitle.cex call parameter specifies the size multiplier (cex) to be used when creating the title lines on the map. The value of mTitle.cex was found out of the range for the parameter (<= 0 or >4). mTitle.cex was set to the default value of 1. Correct or remove the call parameter for future maps.


The 'mTitle.cex' option is not a numeric value. 'mTitle,cex' parameter is set to the default of 1.

The mTitle.cex call parameter is not a numeric value. mTitle.cex was set to the default value of 1. Correct or remove the call parameter for future maps.


hatch:dataCol parameter is out of range. It must be a column number between 1 and <maxColumnN>.

The hatch:dataCol call parameter is specified as the column number in the <ndfName> data.frame. However, the row number value is out of range (< 1 or > the number of columns in the data.frame <maxColumnN>.) The hatching data for the comparison cannot be found. Hatching is disabled. Correct the hatch:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


hatch:dataCol parameter is not a valid column name (<dataCol>) in the <ndfName> data.frame.

The hatch:dataCol hatch option is specified as the column name in the <ndfName> data.frame. However, the column name provided does not exist in the <ndfName> data.frame. The hatching data for the comparison cannot be found. Hatching is disabled. Correct the hatch:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


hatch:dataCol parameter is not the correct data type (<typeof>). Must be numeric or character.

The data type of the hatch:dataCol hatch option was found to be <typeof>. It must be a numeric or character value to be able to reference the hatch data column in the <ndfName> data.frame. Since the hatch data column cannot be found, hatching is disabled. Correct the hatch:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


hatch:dataCol parameter is a character string, but is empty.

The hatch:dataCol call parameter is a character vector (string), but is empty (""). The hatch data column in the <ndfName> data.frame cannot be found. Hatching is disabled. Correct the hatch:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


The data column for the hatch comparison could not be found. The hatch parameter has been disabled.

The hatch dataCol option could not be found. Cannot preform the comparison to determine if sub-area should be hatched. The hatch hatching has been disabled. Correct the hatch:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


The following hatch options are not valid and will be ignored: <badOptions>

When validating the list of options in the hatch call parameter list, several invalid options were found. The '<badOptions>' contains a list of the invalid variables. These options will be ignored. Remove these items from the hatch call parameter named list or correct the entries. The list of valid hatching options are: dataCol, ops, value, range, col, lwd, den, angle, and incAngle.


The hatch option dataCol is not a character vector or numeric. The default value of 'pValue' will be used.

The name or number of the hatch dataCol, is not a valid column name or number. The default value of "pValue" as the column name will be used.


The hatch option range values out of order. First value must be less than second value. Reversed.

The low and high values in the hatch range option are out of order. There have been sorted.


The hatch option range is not valid. It must be NA or a vector containing 2 numeric values (low and high limits) for the range. Range checking is disabled.

The hatching 'hatch' range checking parameter must be "NA" to disable range changing or a vector of two numeric values representing the low and high limits of the range. If the values are out of order, they will be reversed. If either value is an NA, range checking will be disabled. An example of the use of the hatching option is: range=c(0,20) for a range change of 0 to 20.


The comparison operator provided in the hatch ops options - <string> - is not valid. Hatching disabled.

The hatch call parameter contains a ops options of <string> that is not valid.

The allowed hatch ops is not a valid operation. The allowed comparision operation values are: "eq","==", "=", "ne", "<>", "!=", "lt", "<", "le", "<=", "=<", "gt", ">", "ge", ">=", and "=>". The comparison is <hatch:dataCol-value> <ops> <hatch:value>.


The following hatch2 options are not valid and will be ignored: <badOptions>

When validating the list of options in the hatch2 call parameter list, several invalid options were found. The '<badOptions>' contains a list of the invalid variables. These options will be ignored. Remove these items from the hatch2 call parameter named list or correct the entries. The list of valid hatching options are: dataCol, ops, value, and range.


The hatch2 option dataCol is not a character vector or numeric. The default value of 'pValue' will be used.

The name or number of the hatch2 dataCol, is not a valid column name or number. The default value of "pValue" as the column name will be used.


The hatch2 range option values out of order. First value must be less than second value. Reversed.

The low and high values in the hatch2 range option are out of order. There have been sorted.


The hatch2 range option is not valid. It must be NA or a vector containing 2 numeric values (low and high limits) for the range. Range checking is disabled.

The 'hatch2' range checking parameter must be "NA" to disable range changing or a vector of two numeric values representing the low and high limits of the range. If the values are out of order, they will be reversed. If either value is an NA, range checking will be disabled. An example of the use of the hatching option is: range=c(0,20) for a range change of 0 to 20.


The comparison operator provided in the hatch2 ops option - <string> - is not valid. Hatching disabled.

The hatch2 call parameter contains a ops options of <string> that is not valid.

The allowed hatch2 ops is not a valid operation. The allowed comparision operation values are: "eq","==", "=", "ne", "<>", "!=", "lt", "<", "le", "<=", "=<", "gt", ">", "ge", ">=", and "=>". The comparison is <hatch:dataCol-value> <ops> <hatch2:value>.


The hatch col option is not a valid color : <color>. The default will be used.

The hatch col does not specify a valid color. It must be a name that matches the color names in colors() or a 6 or 8 digit hexidecimal color value (e.g., "#rrggbb" or "#rrggbbaa".) The default hatch color value of "grey(0.66)" will be used.


The hatch lwd option is not numeric - <value> The default will be used.

The hatch call parameter lwd option value is not a numeric value. The line weight values for the hatch lines must a numeric value > 0. The default value of 0.85 is used.


The hatch lwd option is out of the range of >0 to <= 5. The default will be used.

The hatch call parameter lwd option value is out of range. It must be in a range > 0 and <= 5. Correct the call and re-run. The default value of 0.85 will be is used.


The hatch density option is not numeric - <value> The default value of 25 will be used.

The hatch call parameter den option is not a numeric value. It was set to <value>. The option specifies the density of the hatching in number of lines per inch. The default is 25 lines per inch. The density may need to be adjusted if the size of the graphic space is not 7.5 x 10 inches.


The hatch density option is <value> and is out of the range of > 4 to <= 64 lines per inch. The default value of 25 will be used.

The hatch call parameter den option is out of range. It must be a numeric value > 4 and <= 64 lines per inch. The default value of 25 lines per inch will be used.


The hatch angle option is not numeric. The default will be used.

The hatch call parameter angle option is not a numeric value. The value is the degrees the hatching lines will be draw over the sub-area. The default value of 45 degress will be used.


The hatch angle option is out of the range of => -360 to <= 360 degrees. The default will be used.

The hatch call parameter angle option is out of range. It must be a numeric value between -360 and 360 degrees. The default value of 45 degress will be used.


The hatch incremental angle option (incAngle) is not numeric. The default will be used.

The hatch call parameter incAngle option is not a numeric value. The value is the degrees the hatching lines are shifted for each additional hatching overlay. The default value of 60 degress will be used.


The hatch incremental angle option (incAngle) is out of the range of => -120 to <= 120 degrees. The default will be used.

The hatch call parameter incAngle option is out of range. It must be a numeric value between -120 and 120 degrees. The default value of 60 degress will be used.


A hatch call parameter error was detected. The hatch parameter is disabled. See previous messages for details.

Previous message detail the errors detected in processing the hatch call parameter options list. Since errors were detected, hatching will be disabled. Correct the identified problems and re-run.


The hatch call parameter must be a logical value (T/F) or a list of options. Parameter is ignored.

The hatch call parameter can be a logical TRUE/FALSE value of a named list of hatch options. The hatch call parameter was neither a logical variable or a list. Hatching is disabled.


A hatch2 call parameter error was detected. The hatch2 parameter is disabled. See previous messages for details.

Previous message detail the errors detected in processing the hatch2 call parameter options list. Since errors were detected, hatching will be disabled. Correct the identified problems and re-run.


The hatch2 call parameter must a list of options.

The hatch2 call parameter can be a logical TRUE/FALSE value of a named list of hatch options. The hatch call parameter was neither a logical variable or a list. Hatching is disabled.


hatch2:dataCol parameter is out of range. It must be a column number between 1 and <maxColumnN>.

The hatch2:dataCol call parameter is specified as the column number in the <ndfName> data.frame. However, the row number value is out of range (< 1 or > the number of columns in the data.frame <maxColumnN>.) The hatching data for the comparison cannot be found. Hatching is disabled. Correct the hatch2:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


hatch2:dataCol parameter is not a valid column name (<dataCol>) in the <ndfName> data.frame.

The hatch2:dataCol hatch option is specified as the column name in the <ndfName> data.frame. However, the column name provided does not exist in the <ndfName> data.frame. The hatching data for the comparison cannot be found. Hatching is disabled. Correct the hatch2:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


hatch2:dataCol parameter is not the correct data type (<typeof>). Must be numeric or character.

The data type of the hatch2:dataCol hatch option was found to be <typeof>. It must be a numeric or character value to be able to reference the hatch data column in the <ndfName> data.frame. Since the hatch data column cannot be found, hatching is disabled. Correct the hatch2:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


hatch2:dataCol parameter is a character string, but is empty.

The hatch2:dataCol call parameter is a character vector (string), but is empty (""). The hatch data column in the <ndfName> data.frame cannot be found. Hatching is disabled. Correct the hatch2:dataCol call parameter and rerun.


The hatch/hatch2 data column <dataCol> does not contain numbers. Parameter hatch/hatch2 disabled.

The column identified to be used for the hatch data comparison, <hatch:dataCol>, does not contain numbers. Only numerical comparisons are supported. The hatch or hatch2 parameter is disabled.


The hatch/hatch2 data is not numeric. Parameter hatch/hatch2 disabled.

The column identified to be used for the hatch/hatch2 data comparison does not contain numbers. Only numerical comparisons are supported. The hatch or hatch2 parameter is disabled.


The hatch/hatch2 data column <dataCol> does not contain valid numbers. The hatch/hatch2 parameter is disabled.

The the data found in the dataCol option was not good numerical data. Cannot preform the comparison to determine if sub-area should be hatched. The hatch or hatch2 parameter is disabled. Correct the data and rerun.


boldHatching data provided is not within the allowed range : <low value> to <high value>. Hatching disabled.

Range checking of the hatch data is enabled. The hatch data in the <hatch:dataCol> column is not within the range of <low value> to <high value>. Without all of the data within the specified range, hatching will be disabled.


The 'mLegend' parameter is set to NA. Set to the default of TRUE.

The mLegend call parameter is set to NA. The value must be a logical (TRUE/FALSE) or a named list of options. The default of TRUE will be used.


The 'mLegend' call parameter must be a list or logical value. Parameter Ignored.

The mLegend call parameter is not a logical variable or named list. The call parameter is ignored and the default of TRUE will be used. Check the function all and correct the mLegend=XXXX for the cause of the error.


The mLegend options list does not names for each list entry. The format must be mLegend=list(pos='left',numCols=4). Defaults used.

The mLegend call parameter is set to NA. The value must be a logical (TRUE/FALSE) or a named list of options. The default of TRUE will be used.


The following options in the Legend parameter are not valid and will be ignored: <badOptions>.

The mLegend call parameter is a named list, but one or more of the variables in the list are not valid. They are listed in the <badOptions> in the message. Valid variables are: counts, size, numCols, pos, noValue, pch, or labels. The invalid options are ignored.


The 'mLegend' parameter 'counts' must a a logical variable. Set to FALSE.

The mLegend call parameter counts option was specified, the variable is not a logical TRUE or FALSE value. Correct the value to TRUE or FALSE. The default value of FALSE will be used.


The mLegend parameter 'size' option must be a numeric value. The default is used.

The mLegend call parameter size option was specified, the variable is not a numeric value setting the font size multiplier (cex). The default value of 0.85 will be used. Correct the value to a numeric and re-run.


The mLegend parameter 'size' option must be in the range from 0 to 5. Set to 0.85.

The mLegend call parameter size option was specified, the variable is not in the range of 0 to 5. The default of 0.85 is used as the font size multiplier. Correct the value to a value between 0 and 5 and re-run.


The mLegend parameter option 'numColumns' must be numeric and between 1 and 8. Set to 3.

The mLegend call parameter numColumns option was specified, the variable is not a numeric setting the number of columns in the legend. The default value of 3 columns will be used. Correct the value and re-run.


The legendPos parameter is not "left", "center", or "right". Set to "left".

The mLegend call parameter pos option was specified, the variable sets the position of the legend on the bottom of the map. The value is not valid. It must be 'left", "center" or "right". The default of "left" will be used. Correct the option and re-run.


The pch parameter must be a numeric value. Set to 19.

The mLegend call parameter pch option was specified, the variable sets symbol used in the legend. The value provided is not valid. The pch value must be a value from 19 to 25 (filled symbols). The default symbol value of 22 will be used (a square). Correct the option and re-run.


The pch parameter must be a value between 19 and 25. Set to 19.

The mLegend call parameter pch option was specified, the variable sets symbol used in the legend. The value provided is out of range. The pch value must be a value from 19 to 25 (filled symbols). The default symbol value of 22 will be used (a square). Correct the option and re-run.


The noValue parameter must be a logical (TRUE or FALSE) value. Set to FALSE.

The mLegend call parameter noValue option was specified, the variable requests legend entries with no sub-areas be listed in the legend. The value is not a logical variable. The value must be a logical variable set to TRUE or FALSE. The default of TRUE will be used.


The labels parameter must be a vector of character strings. Set to an empty string.

The mLegend call parameter labels option was specified, the variable is not a vector of replacement labels for the legend. The labels option was found to be empty (set to ""). The labels option is disabled. Correct the value assigned to the labels option and re-run.


The mLegends parameter is an empty list. The legend will be drawn using default values.

The mLegend call parameter named list of options was found to be empty. No options were specified. The legend will be drawn using the defaults for each option.


The regions parameter is not a logical value of TRUE or FALSE. The default of FALSE will be used.

Retired message

The regions call parameter must be a logical type variable with a value of TRUE or FALSE. Since it is not, the default value of FALSE will be used.


Package: <packageName> failed to load into the system. Verify package is install and try manually executing a 'library(<packageName>)' command.

To be able to map census tract boundaries, supplemental data packages must be installed on the local machine and available to be loaded. The package tries to dynamically load the needed package(s) when it detects census tracts are being mapped and which states are involved. If this process fails, this message will appear. Usually a manual reinstall of the supplemental data package will fix the problem. Another work around is to execute the library function with the name of the package to ensure it is loaded prior to calling SeerMapper.


The following boundary datasets are missing. Make sure the appropriate SeerMapper supplement packages have been installed and loaded.

SeerMapper has determined it requires census tract boundary data for states with Seer Registries. These boundary datasets are contained in the SeerMapperEast and SeerMapperWest packages for the 2000 census and in the SeerMapper2010East and SeerMapper2010West packages for the 2010 census. Message 197 lists the missing datasets.

Install these packages and load them via 'library' commands when mapping census tracts for states east and west of the Mississippi that do not contain Seer Registries.


Missing: <missingDataSets>

The boundary datasets (xxx.rda files) listed in <missingDataSets> are needed to map the census tracts found in the call. This should only occur when doing census tract maps in states without Seer Registries. In this case the SeerMapperEast and/or SeerMapperWest (or SeerMapper2010East and/or varSeerMapper2010West ) are be required. Install and load via the 'library' command the packages in this list and re-run the mapping request.


The following supplemental SeerMapper Census Tract boundary packages are missing and must be installed and loaded:

SeerMapper requires suppliemental census tract boundary packages to map data at the census tract level. When tract boundaries are required, the package determines where packages are required to load the boundary datasets. These supplement packages should have been loaded into their own namespace when SeerMapper was first called. The names of the required packages do not appear in the list of loaded packages (loadedNamespace()). A list of missing packages is presented in message # 199, below. Make sure the packages are in the current R library and can be loaded with library(x) R commands. The main package and six supplemental packages are: SeerMapper, SeerMapperRegs, SeerMapperEast, SeerMapperWest, SeerMapper2010Regs, SeerMapper2010East, and SeerMapper2010West.

Install these packages and load them via 'library' commands when mapping census tracts for states east and west of the Mississippi that do not contain Seer Registries.


Missing: <missingPackages>

The message provides a list of the SeerMapper packages with supplemental census tract boundary data that must be installed from CRAN to be able to map the census tracts in the data. The supplemental packages are SeerMapperRegs, SeerMapperEast, SeerMapperWest, SeerMapper2010Regs, SeerMapper2010East, and varSeerMapper2010West.


After cleaning up <ndfName> data.frame to remove detected errors, there are no rows to process.

After all of the rows with detected errors were removed from the <ndfName> data.frame, the data.frame was found to be empty - no rows remaining. Resolve the error documented above and re-run.


The <ndfName> data.frame has duplicate location IDs. The duplicate rows will be removed.

The idCol column in the <ndfName> data.frame has rows with duplicate location IDs. There should be only one row of data per sub-area location ID. The duplicate row is removed. Message 204 contains a list of the duplicate IDs removed and their relative row number in the data.frame.


The duplicate IDs are: <badIDs>

This message provides a two column list of the duplicate IDs and their relative row numbers that were removed.

           row#    ID
              2    01

Review and correct the contains of the data.frame and re-run.


The location IDs contain invalid state IDs. Assuming the Location IDs are HSA numbers.

The location ID in the dataframe could be either state location IDs or HSA locations IDs. Because the location ID provided contains invalid state IDs, the package is assuming the location IDs are really HSA IDs. Invalid state IDs are: 03, 07, 14, 43, 52, and values greater then 56 except for 72. If the location ID is really state IDs, correct the location IDs in the data frame and rerun.


Some of the data rows in the <ndfName> data.frame have location IDs with missing values (NA). These rows will be removed. Correct and rerun.

The location IDs in the idCol column of the ndfName data.frame contain some (one or more) missing values (NA). These rows cannot be linked to a geographic sub-area and will not be mapped. Message number 222 contains a list of the row numbers found to have the invalid location IDs in the <ndfName> data.frame. Correct the location IDs in the data.frame and re-run.


The following rows will not be mapped: <row numbers>

The <row numbers> list contains rows in the ndrName data.frame that cannot be mapped. This could because the location ID is missing, invalid, or incorrect or the data to be categorized is missing (NA) or not a valid number. The <row numbers> list starts with 1 as the first row and increments by 1 for each row.


The categ call parameter is missing, empty or contains NAs. The default value of 5 will be used.

The categ call parameter is NULL or NA (missing.) This is an invalid seting and the parameter is ignored. The default of categ <- 5 will be used.


The value entered for categ parameter is not valid : <string>. The default of categ=5 is used.

The value entered for the categ call parameter was a character vector. It was not set to "DATA" or "COLORS" and could not be converted to a numeric or vector of numerics (break point list.) The default value of 5 will be used.


The categ parameter provided does not contain any value. The default of categ=5 is used.

The categ call parameter was set to "". The default of 5 will be used.


The categ call parameter is not 'DATA', 'COLORS', or a valid single value numeric value. The default of categ=5 will be used.

The categ call parameter is not set to a valid value. The assigned value has a length of 1, so it cannot be a break point vector list. As a single value, it must be set to a number, 'DATA', or 'COLORS'. The default value of 5 is used. Correct the call parameter and re-run.


The categ call parameter has a single value of <string> and must be => 3 as a minimum. The default of 5 will be used.

When the categ call parameter is the number of categories to be calculated, the number of categories must be => 3. If less then < 3 the default value of 5 will be used.


The categ call parameter value has a single value of <string> and it is > than <catMaxNum>. The categ will be set to <catMaxNum>.

When the categ call parameter is a single value of the number of categories to calculate the break points. The maximum value is limited by the palColors call parameter used. With the default palColors of "RdYlBu", the maximum value is 10. The <catMaxNum> value in the message indicates the maximum for the active palColors parameter. Only the first <catMaxNum> values in the vector will be used.

Correct the break point vector and rerun.


The categ call parameter break point list has a length < 3 items. The default of categ = 5 will be used.

When categ call parameter specifies a break point list (vector), it must have a length equal to or greater than 3. The break point list cannot be used. The default of categ = 5 will be used.


The categ call parameter break point list has a length > <catMaxNum> items. Only the first <catMaxNum> values will be used.

When categ call parameter specifies a break point list (vector) with a length > <catMaxNum>. The package does not support more then <catMaxNum> categories. Only the first <catMaxNum> break points will be used.


The categ call parameter contains non-numeric value in the break point vector: <string> . The default of categ=5 is used.

The categ call parameter is a character vector (<string>) with length > 1. It appears to be a break point vector, but the values could not be converted to a numeric vector. The default value of 5 will be used.


One or more values in the categ breakpoint list is not a number. The default of categ=5 will be used.

The categ call parameter appears to be a break point list. One or more of the values in the vector are not numeric. The break point vector cannot be used. The default value of 5 will be used.


The categ call parameter breakpoint vector is not in order (low to high). Breakpoint vector has been sorted.

The categ call parameter is a break point numeric vector. However, the break point values are not in numerical order from low to high. The vector was sorted to compensate.


The categ call parameter contains a break point vector with duplicate values. The duplicate values will be removed.

When a vector of break point values is provided via the categ call parameter, each value must be unique and in order from low to high. If duplicate values are found, the duplicate value is removed and the number of break points used reduce by one. If the number of break point falls below 3, an additional warning will be generated.


The number of points in the categ call parameter list is out of range. It must be between 3 and <catMaxNum>. The default of categ=5 will be used.

The minimum number of values in a categ break point vector is 3. The maximum number of values is set by the palColors value used. The default maximum is 10 when palColors is equal to "RdYlBu". See the section on the palColors call parameter.


The <dataCol> column data are integer category values. The range of the values is greater than the maximum of <catMaxNum>. Reduce number of categories or select different palColors value.

When categ is set to "DATA", the data column (<dataCol> in the <ndfName> data.frame is used directly as the category index. The index should be from 1 to "n", but can be any set of integers. However, the total number of sequential categories from the lowest value to highest value must be <= <catMaxNum> to be able to assign colors in the selected RColorBrewer palette to the sub-areas. Recommend reducing the number of categories, close up any gaps in the category range, or select a RColorBrewer palette that can provide more colors.

Execution is terminated.


The categ call parameter contains non-numeric value in the break point vector: <string>. The default of categ=5 is used.

The categ call parameter is a break point vector (<string>), but contains non-numeric values. It cannot be used to classify the data. The default value of 5 will be used.


The categ call parameter is 'DATA'. The <dataCol> column does not appear to contain integer values.

When categ is set to "DATA", the values in the data column of the data.frame are categories values and must be integers. The data.frame column is not integer values.

Execution is terminated.


The labels parameter must have one entry for each categories. Set to an empty string.

The labels legend option allows you to replace the calculated labels in the legend for each category. There was not one vector entry for each category to be included in the legend. Correct the labels option to have one entry for each legend category. The labels option is disabled.


The following area(s) in the data do not match the list of boundaries:

When the package compared the location IDs supplied with the data in the <ndfName> data.frame with the boundary information contained in the package, it was not able to match some of the data rows with the boundary information. Any data row that does not match the boundary information will not be mapped. This set of messages document which location IDs have been dropped.


> <badIDs>

The message contains a list (<badIDs>) of location IDs in the data that are not in the boundary dataset.


Please check to make sure your data matches the 20<year> census area identifiers and boundaries.

One of the reasons the data location IDs may not match the boundary information is the wrong census year boundary data is being used. Check to determine if the data and location IDs are build from the 2000 or 2010 U. S. Census data. Make sure the correct SeerMapper version is being used.

Check to see to see which census year the location IDs should match and re-run under the appropriate SeerMapper: SeerMapper for 2000, and SeerMapper2010 for 2010. Also check the location IDs in the <ndfName> data.frame to make sure they are correct.


Number of locations found in the Data Table with borders: <number>

This is an informative message when debug is TRUE to indicate the number of rows of data in the supplied data.frame.


The following Seer Registry idenifiers do not match the abbreviations or aliases:

Messages 300, 301, and 302 are components of one message on three lines. The package has determined Seer Registry level data is being mapped. That is it is not U. S. Fips codes. The location ID column does not contain Registry abbreviations or character strings that would match the alias for each registry. Message 301 list the location IDs that could not be matched to the boundary information. To allow the package to continue running, any row without a valid location ID is ignored and not mapped.



See message 300 for details. <badIDs> is the list of Seer Registry location IDs that do not match the Registry boundary information.


These data rows will be ignored in the mapping.

See message 300 for details.


Internal Error - dataPList contains an NA in list: <idList>

The dataPList vector of location IDs should not contain a missing value. <idList> is the contains of the dataPList vector. The execution was stopped.


Internal Error - dataPList does not exist.

the dataPList vector of Location IDs should not be missing. The execution was stopped.


Internal Error - regionPList contains a NA in list: <idList>.

The regionPList of regional IDs should not contain any missing values. <idList> is the contains of the regionPList vector. The execution was stopped.


Internal Error - statePList contains a NA in list: <idList>.

The statePList vector of Location IDs should not contain any missing values. <idList> is the contains of the statePList vector. The execution was stopped.


Internal Error - seerPList contains a NA in list: <idList>.

The seerPList vector of Location IDs should not contain any missing values. <idList> is the contains of the seerPList vector. The execution was stopped.


Internal Error - countyPList contains a NA in list: <idList>.

The countyPList vector of Location IDs should not contain any missing values. <idList> is the contains of the countyPList vector. The execution was stopped.


Internal Error - tractPList contains a NA in list: <idList>.

The tractPList vector of Location IDs should not contain any missing values. <idList> is the contains of the tractPList vector. The execution was stopped.


Internal Error - hsaPList contains a NA in list: <idList>.

The tractPList vector of Location IDs should not contain any missing values. <idList> is the contains of the tractPList vector. The execution was stopped.


The provided proj4 string encountered an error when converted to the internal CRS parameter. The following error was reported, plesae correct and rerun. <CRS Error Message>

The package attempted to convert the provided PROJ.4 projection string into a CRS object for the boundary transformation. The CRS function reported the <CRS Error Message>. The proj4 call parameter is ignored.


The provided proj4 string encountered an warning when converted to the internal CRS parameter. The following warning was reported, plesae correct and rerun. <CRS Warning Message>

The package attempted to convert the provided PROJ.4 projection string into a CRS object for the boundary transformation. The CRS function reported the <CRS Warning Message>. The proj4 call parameter is ignored.


Unpredicted results when proj4 was translated to CRS format. Unknown problem. <CRS Message>

The package attempted to convert the provided PROJ.4 projection string into a CRS object for the boundary transformation. The CRS function reported an unexpected error and <CRS Message>. The proj4 call parameter is ignored.


Error on processing the proj4 parameter. No user specified projection will be done.

The package attempted to convert the provided PROJ.4 projection string into a CRS object for the boundary transformation. The CRS function could not translate the PROJ.4 string without any issues. See above messages. The proj4 call parameter is ignored.


Package: <packageName> failed to load into the system. Verify package was installed and try manually executing a 'library(<packageName>)' command.

During the mapping of census tract data, SeerMapper attempted to have the system load the boundary datasets for the sub-areas identified in the data. The package named <packageName> failed to load. The can be caused by a corrupted package, package is not installed, the package was not installed in the standard R library, permission prohibit access to the package, or the package has been deleted. Re-install the package from CRAN. The execution was stopped.


ERRORS found in statistic data.frame checking - Run Terminated.

During the validation of the first parameter data.frame, errors have been identified and warning messages generated. The package cannot continue processing the mapping request. The execution was stopped.


The location ID column could not be found. Run Terminated.

Previous messages identify the reason the location ID column in the <ndfName> data.frame was not found, was in error, or could not be found. If the location IDs are held in the row names attached to the data.frame, use idCol = "row.names". The idCol call parameter can be used to specify the column name or number in the <ndfName> data.frame. The default name of the location ID column is "FIPS". The execution was stopped.


The data column could not be found. Run Terminated.

Previous messages identify the reason the data column in the <ndfName> data.frame was not found, was in error, or could not be found. The dataCol call parameter can be used to specify the column name or number in the <ndfName> data.frame. The default name of the data column is "Rate". The execution was stopped.


The data column for the hatching comparison could not be found. Hatching has been disabled.

Previous messages identify the reason the hatch data column in the <ndfName> data.frame was not found, was in error, or could not be found. The hatch call parameter and dataCol option can be used to specify the column name or number in the <ndfName> data.frame. The default name of the hatch dataCol column is "pValue". Since the data column cannot be found, hatching is disabled.

End of Messages.

SeerMapper documentation built on Jan. 15, 2021, 3:16 p.m.