SeerMapper-package: A graphics package to easily and quickly create U. S. maps at...

Description Details Author(s)


The SeerMapper package provide a means of creating U.S. maps of categorized data on at the state, state/county, state/county/census tract or U.S. Seer registry levels. The SeerMapper package contain the R script to create the maps and the U. S. Census boundaries files for States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, the counties for each state/territory, the census tracts for each state and NCI Seer Registries. The main package contains the code and the census year 2000 and 2010 state, registry and county boundary data and information. The census tract boundary data could not fit into the package and stay within the CRAN 5 megabyte package size limitation. Six(6) data only packages released with this package contain SeerMapper's simplified U. S. 2000 and 2010 census tract boundary data: SeerMapperRegs and SeerMapper2010Regs packages containing the census tracts for any state with a Seer Registry for years 2000 and 2010, SeerMapperEast and SeerMapper2010East containing the census tracts for states east of the Mississippi river that don't have registries for years 2000 and 2010, and SeerMapperWest and SeerMapperWest containing the census tract boundary data for states without registries weat of the Mississippi for years 2000 and 2010. When SeerMapper is installed, the other six(6) packages are also installed. When SeerMapper is executing, it manages the loading of the six packages based on the level of map being requested by the caller.

To map at the state level, data must use the 2 digit U. S. state fips codes as the location identifiers.

To map at the HSA level, data must use the 3 digit HSA numbers as the location identifiers.

To map at the county level, data must use the 5 digit U. S. state/county fips codes as the location identifiers.

To map at the census tract level, data must use the 11 digit U. S. state/county/tract fips codes as the location identifiers.

To map at the U. S. NCI Seer registry area level, the location identifier must be the Seer Registry abbreviation (see documentation on the Seer registry boundary files for more details.) The basic packages only contain the census tract boundaries for the states which contain Seer Registries.

The goal was to allow a user the simpliest way to create maps of data and rates in the states, counties, Seer Registries, and census tracts in states with Seer Registries using one package for one census year. If additional states required census tract mapping, this is not precluded, just requires a little more setup work. Because of the numerous changes in the fips codes, census tracts boundaries and even county boundaries between 2000 and 2010, it was necessary to keep the boundary datasets separate. The result is two sets of packages. Make sure the location identifiers in your data match census year of the the base package your are using. If mis-matches are detected, warnings are generated document the missing or additional areas to help the user handle the situation. As much of the map is still generated as possible.

Call options are available to help manage: the inclusion, sizing and placement of the legend, hatching of areas, limiting mapping to only the contiguous 48 states, and the categorizing and coloring of areas based on the data.

The package will color the areas with data based on a user provided set of break points or on a number of categories desired. See the categ call parameter documentation for more details.

A hatching option controls how the package will overlay hatching of areas based on a critria and value. The default setting handle P Values in the range of 0 to 1, with a test value of 0.05 and areas hatched if their value is greater than the test value (>). See the documentation on the hatch call parameter for more details.

All 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico can be mapped using FIPS codes.

The boundaries for Alaska and Hawaii have been adjusted and scaled be provide a reasonable presentation with the mainland and relocated to just south of California and Arizona.


Package: SeerMapper
Type: Package
Version: 1.2.4
Date: 2020-06-22
License: GPL (>=2)
LazyLoad: no

The function accepts a data.frame containing an area/location identifier, data (rates, data, or categories) for the areas and an hatching data. The hatching data is generaly a p_value for the data (rates), but can be any value. If the data is not a p_value, then the user must provide the test value and the test operation to determine if hatch is required. Each row represents a State, State/County, State/County/Census Tract, or U.S. Seer registry area. The data(rates) are categorized by default into 5 categories. The breakpoints for the categories are calculated based on the quartiles for the data. The caller can specify the categorization be done on from 3 to 11 categories. The caller can also specify the specific breakpoints to use in the categorization of the data via a numeric vector like c(0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4) for up to 10 breakpoints. The maximum number of categories is set by the color palette selected from the RColorBrewer palettes. The default palColors setting is the "RdYlBu" palette which can support up to 11 categories. The default categ value is 5.

If hatching data is provided, the default is to treat the data as p_values. When hatching is enabled (hatch=TRUE), the function will overlay a hatch pattern on any area with a p_value >= 0.05. This can be changed using the ops and value settings in hatch list call parameter.

If the data is for states, state/counties, state/county/census traces, the area's (location) identify must be the U.S. FIPS codes. If the data is for U.S. Seer registry areas, the area identify is the Seer registry area abbreviation (See the st99_d00 dataset documenation for more details.)

The boundary dataset for the Seer registry area is contained in this package as the 2000 Census.

The typical call sequence is:

   # create data data.frame
   rateData <- data.frame(Fips=state.fips$fips, 
   SeerMapper(rateData, Title=c("Test Map"))

To map census tracts in state without Seer Registries, the call sequence is:

   # create data data.frame
   rateData <- data.frame(Fips=cenTract.fips, 
   SeerMapper(rateData, Title=c("Test Non-Seer State Census Tract Map"))

The data passed to the function will dictate which areas of the U.S. are mapped. In general only states with data are mapped.


Due to CRAN R package size limitations, the base SeerMapper package could only contain the boundary information datasets for: the states, DC and PR boundaries, the Seer Registry boundaries, and the boundaries for the counties in all states. The census tract boundaries are supplied via six(6) additional R packages: SeerMapperRegs, SeerMapperEast, SeerMapperWest. SeerMapper2010Regs, SeerMapper2010East, and SeerMapper2010West. The packages containing "2010" in their name support the census year of 2010. The packages without "2010" support the census year of "2000". When SeerMapper is installed, the package dependencies have been set up to force the installation of the six(6) census tract package automatically. The user should not have install these packages manually. The installation log will notify the user of the additional downloads and installations.

If the location IDs in the data cannot be associated with loaded boundary datasets, messages are generated to identify the packages that may need to be installed or loaded the library function.

The base package contains boundary information for:

The "Regs" boundary package contains the 2000 or 2010 census tract boundary data for 19 states:

Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin.

The "East" boundary package contains the 2000 or 2010 census tract boundary data for 20 states and DC:

Alabama, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Puerto Rico.

The "West" boundary package contains the 2000 or 2010 census tract boundary data for 13 states:

Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Minnisota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.

To do census tract mapping, the package automatically loaded needed census tract boundary packages according to the census year and location IDs in data.frame provided during the call. If a package is missing or cannot be loaded, the caller will be given a message identifying the problem.


and all of the boundary information is will be available.


James B Pearson, Jr
Maintainer: "Joe Zou"

SeerMapper documentation built on Jan. 15, 2021, 3:16 p.m.