
#' A simulated data set based on a standardized test.
#' Simulated response patterns, abilities, and outcomes based on a uni-dimensional state-issued standardized test.
#'  @format A data frame of 1000 rows (observations) and 58 columns (variables):
#'  \describe{
#'  \item{Outcome}{a binary external criterion variable correlated with TrueAbility}
#'  \item{TrueAbility}{the simulated true ability parameter used to generate response patterns}
#'  \item{Item1-Item56}{binary responses to items generated using the TrueAbility parameters and simulated 3PL item parameters generated from the distribution of parameters estimated from a state-issued standardized test}
#'  }

#' Model syntax for the example in the \code{\link{antcolony.lavaan}} function.
#' A character vector containing the model syntax used for the one factor, 56-item example in the \code{\link{antcolony.lavaan}}.
#' @format A character vector.

#' Model syntax for the short example in the \code{\link{antcolony.lavaan}} function.
#' A character vector containing the model syntax used for the one factor, 15-item, example in the \code{\link{antcolony.lavaan}}.
#' @format A character vector.

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ShortForm documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:41 a.m.