sampleMovement: Resample a simulated movement and compute step-wise...

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sampleMovementR Documentation

Resample a simulated movement and compute step-wise statistics


Resamples a movement simulated with the function simulate to a lower temporal resolution (frequency). Simultaneously, computes step length, turning angles (Turchin 1998) and accumulated resistance for each resampled step, assuming that a straight line connects each re-sampled location.


  sampleMovement(relocs, resolution = 1, resist = NULL)



the simulated movement, an object returned by simulate. NOTE: currently this is only implemented for simulations of single individuals.


movement will be resampled every this number of time ticks. If 1, no resampling is done (but metrics are computed).


a landscape resistance raster, usually the same that was used in simulate


This function mimics what happens in real world movement data: it resamples the simulated movement (which is supposed to be infinitesimal) into a lower temporal resolution, so that it is comparable to real world field data (e.g. telemetry data). During the process, it computes, for each resampled step:

  • the step length

  • the turning angle

  • the accumulated resistance along the step, assuming a straight line is taken from start to end


A list with the components relocs and stats.

relocs contains the resampled positions, stats contains the metrics for each step (which has N-2 rows because of the turning angles).


These metrics are only meaningful for resolution >> 1, otherwise they are just a consequence of the simulation input parameters.


  • Turchin, P. 1998. Quantitative analysis of movement: measuring and modeling population redistribution in animals and plants (Vol. 1). Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

See Also




LevyWalker <- species(
  state.RW() + state.CRW(0.99),
  trans = transitionMatrix(0.005, 0.02))

sim <- simulate(LevyWalker, 10000)
resamp <- sampleMovement(sim, 50)
plot(sim, type="l", asp=1, col = "#777777")
lines(resamp$relocs, col = "red")

SiMRiv documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:02 p.m.