
#' models for unconnected pools
#' This function creates a (linear) numerical model for n independent
#' (parallel) pools that can be queried afterwards.  It is used by the
#' convenient wrapper functions \code{\link{TwopParallelModel}} and
#' \code{\link{ThreepParallelModel}} but can also be used independently.
#' @param times A vector containing the points in time where the solution is
#' sought.
#' @param coeffs_tm A TimeMap object consisting of a vector valued function
#' containing the decay rates for the n pools as function of time and the time
#' range where this function is valid. The length of the vector is equal to the
#' number of pools.
#' @param startvalues A vector containing the initial amount of carbon for the
#' n pools. <<The length of this vector is equal to the number of pools and
#' thus equal to the length of k. This is checked by the function.
#' @param inputrates An object consisting of a vector valued function
#' describing the inputs to the pools as functions of time
#' \code{\link{TimeMap.new}}
#' @param solverfunc The function used to actually solve the ODE system. This
#' can be \code{\link{deSolve.lsoda.wrapper}} or any other user provided
#' function with the same interface.
#' @param pass if TRUE forces the constructor to create the model even if it is
#' invalid
#' @examples
#' t_start=0 
#' t_end=10 
#' tn=50
#' timestep=(t_end-t_start)/tn 
#' t=seq(t_start,t_end,timestep) 
#' k=TimeMap(
#' function(times){c(-0.5,-0.2,-0.3)},
#' t_start,
#' t_end
#' )
#' c0=c(1, 2, 3)
#' #constant inputrates
#' inputrates=BoundInFluxes(
#' function(t){matrix(nrow=3,ncol=1,c(1,1,1))},
#' t_start,
#' t_end
#' ) 
#' mod=ParallelModel(t,k,c0,inputrates)
#' Y=getC(mod)
#' lt1=1 ;lt2=2 ;lt3=3 
#' col1=1; col2=2; col3=3
#' plot(t,Y[,1],type="l",lty=lt1,col=col1,
#' ylab="C stocks",xlab="Time") 
#' lines(t,Y[,2],type="l",lty=lt2,col=col2) 
#' lines(t,Y[,3],type="l",lty=lt3,col=col3) 
#' legend(
#' "topleft",
#' c("C in pool 1",
#' "C in 2",
#' "C in pool 3"
#' ),
#' lty=c(lt1,lt2,lt3),
#' col=c(col1,col2,col3)
#' )
#' Y=getAccumulatedRelease(mod)
#' plot(t,Y[,1],type="l",lty=lt1,col=col1,ylab="C release",xlab="Time") 
#' lines(t,Y[,2],lt2,type="l",lty=lt2,col=col2) 
#' lines(t,Y[,3],type="l",lty=lt3,col=col3) 
#' legend("topright",c("R1","R2","R3"),lty=c(lt1,lt2,lt3),col=c(col1,col2,col3))
ParallelModel <- function 
 solverfunc =deSolve.lsoda.wrapper,    
    if (nk!=ns){
       print("The vectors startvalues and coeffs are not of the same length")

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