Man pages for SpatialGraph
The SpatialGraph Class and Utilities

attSGeAdd or Modify attributes in SpatialGraph edges
distSGCalculate across-network distance for a set of sparse points
distSGvCalculate the distance slot in a SpatialGraph
explodeSLDFExplode Lines in a SpatialLinesDataFrame
pointLineDEuclidean distance from a set of points to a line segment
pointOnLineSnap a points to a line
pointOnSegmentSnap a points to a segment
pointsPolylineDclosest points in a polyline to a set of points
pointsSLDFchainObtain chainage from sparse points along a...
pointsToLinesSnap a set of points to a set of lines
polylineChainageObtain the chainage of nodes along a polyline
polylineLengthObtain the length of a polyline
revSGeReverse Lines in a SpatialGraph
rotationRotate 2D points
routeSDGAccumulate sources/sinks along a directed SpatialGraph
sg2igraphMap a SpatialGraph into an igraph
sgChVIDsChange vertex IDs in a SpatialGraph
sl2sgMap a SpatialLinesDataFrame into a SpatialGraph
SpatialGraphCreate a SpatialGraph object
SpatialGraph-classClass "SpatialGraph"
SpatialGraph-packageThe SpatialGraph Class and Utilities
splitPolylineSplit a polyline into a number of transects
splitSLDFSplit 1-Line Lines in a SpatialLines or a...
textSGeLabel edges in a SpatialGraph plot
SpatialGraph documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 5:08 p.m.