
Defines functions net

Documented in net

#' Net spillovers
#' Computes the net spillover index.
#'@param x Object of class \code{spillover.table} generated by either \code{O.spillover()} or  \code{G.spillover()}.
#'@return A list length \emph{K} holding the generalized forecast error variances as matrices.
#'Pesaran, M. H. and Shin, Y. (1998). \emph{Generalized impulse response analysis in linear multivariate models}. Economics Letters, 58(1):17-29.
#'@author Jilber Urbina
#'@seealso \code{\link{O.spillover}} \code{\link{G.spillover}}

net <- function(x){
  TO   <- x[nrow(x)-1, 1:ncol(x)-1]
  FROM <- x[1:(nrow(x)-2), ncol(x)]
  NET <- TO - FROM
  data.frame(To=TO, From=FROM, Net=NET, Transmitter=NET>0)

# data(rol.returns)
# model <- VAR(rol.returns)
# x <- G.spillover(model)
# Spillovers::G.spillover(model)

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Spillover documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:25 p.m.