Man pages for StatRank
Statistical Rank Aggregation: Inference, Evaluation, and Visualization

BreakingBreaks full or partial orderings into pairwise comparisons function for the graphing interface
Data.Election1A1 Election Data
Data.Election6A6 Election Data
Data.Election9A9 Election Data
Data.NascarNascar Data
Data.NascarTrimmedTrimmed Nascar Data
Data.TestTiny test dataset
Estimation.GRUM.MLEPerforms parameter estimation for a Generalized Random...
Estimation.Normal.GMMGMM Method for Estimating Random Utility Model wih Normal...
Estimation.PL.GMMGMM Method for estimating Plackett-Luce model parameters
Estimation.PL.MLEPerforms parameter estimation for the Plackett-Luce model...
Estimation.RUM.MLEPerforms parameter estimation for a Random Utility Model with...
Estimation.RUM.MultiType.MLEPerforms parameter estimation for a Multitype Random Utility...
Estimation.RUM.NonparametricNonparametric RUM Estimator
Estimation.Zemel.MLEEstimates Zemel Parameters via Gradient Descent
Evaluation.AveragePrecisionCalculates the Average Precision
Evaluation.KendallTauCalculates the Kendall Tau correlation between two ranks
Evaluation.KLCalculates KL divergence between empirical pairwise...
Evaluation.LocationofWinnerCalculates the location of the True winner in the estimated...
Evaluation.MSECalculates MSE between empirical pairwise preferences and...
Evaluation.NDCGCalculates the Normalized Discounted Cumluative Gain the Average Precision at k
Evaluation.TVDCalculates TVD between empirical pairwise preferences and...
Expo.MultiType.Pairwise.ProbPairwise Probability for PL Multitype Model
generateCGenerate a matrix of pairwise wins
generateC.modelTurns inference object into modeled C matrix.
generateC.model.NonparametricGenerate pairwise matrix for an NPRUM model
Generate.NPRUM.DataGenerate data from an NPRUM model
Generate.RUM.DataGenerate observation of ranks given parameters
Generate.RUM.ParametersParameter Generation for a RUM model
Generate.Zemel.ParametersGenerates possible scores for a Zemel model
Generate.Zemel.Ranks.PairsGenerates pairwise ranks from a Zemel model given a set of...
KLCalculates KL Divergence between non-diagonal entries of two...
Likelihood.NonparametricCalculate Likelihood for the nonparametric model
Likelihood.PLA faster Likelihood for Plackett-Luce Model
Likelihood.RUMLikelihood for general Random Utility Models
Likelihood.RUM.MultitypeLikelihood for Multitype Random Utility Models
Likelihood.ZemelGives Zemel pairwise Log-likelihood with data and scores
MSECalculates MSE between non-diagonal entries of two matrices...
Normal.MultiType.Pairwise.ProbPairwise Probability for Normal Multitype Model
Normal.Pairwise.ProbPairwise Probability for Normal Model
PL.Pairwise.ProbPairwise Probability for PL Model scores to a ranking
scrambleScramble a vector
turn_matrix_into_tableConverts a matrix into a table
TVDCalculates TVD between two matrices
Visualization.EmpiricalRPD Visualization
Visualization.MultiTypeMultitype Random Utility visualizer
Visualization.Pairwise.ProbabilitiesCreates pairwise matrices to compare inference results with...
Visualization.RUMplotsRUMplot visualization
Zemel.Pairwise.ProbPairwise Probability for Zemel
StatRank documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:22 p.m.