Confirmatory Factor Analysis"


```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}

Model Definition (please remark the single quotation marks enclosing the equations)

model <- '

model <- params$model
modelsplit <- unlist(strsplit(model, split="\n"))
modelsplit <- modelsplit[modelsplit != ""]
modelsplit <- gsub(" ", "", modelsplit, fixed = TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(modelsplit)){

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code} '

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = indic_missings}
# Model Fit
fit <- cfa(model, data=df, missing="fiml", estimator="ML") 
# Parameter Estimates
pe <- parameterEstimates(fit, rsquare = TRUE)

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = !indic_missings}

Model Fit Unstandardized

fit <- cfa(model, data=df, estimator="ML")

Parameter Estimates

pe <- parameterEstimates(fit, rsquare = TRUE)

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}
# Check Model Equations
info <- inspect(fit, what="list")
info <- info[,c(2,3,4,5,8)]

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = indic_missings}

Model Fit Standardized Observed Variables

fit2 <- cfa(model, data=df, missing="fiml", estimator="ML", std.ov=TRUE)

Parameter Estimates

pe_stand <- standardizedsolution(fit2, type="std.all")

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = !indic_missings}
# Model Fit Standardized Observed Variables
fit2 <- cfa(model, data=df, estimator="ML", std.ov=TRUE) 
## Parameter Estimates
pe_stand <- standardizedsolution(fit2, type="std.all")

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}


Summary Unstandardized Parameter Estimates

summary(fit, fit.measures=TRUE)

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}
## Summary Completely Standardized Parameter Estimates
standardizedSolution(fit2, type="std.all", output="text")

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}


if ("label" %in% colnames(pe)) pe$label <- NULL r2 <- pe[pe$op=="r2",c(1,4)] r2 <- r2[order(r2$lhs),] colnames(r2) <- c("Variable","Communality") rownames(r2) <- NULL r2

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = nfactors_indic}
## Factor Discriminant Validity
discr <- suppressWarnings(discriminantValidity(fit, cutoff = 0.85))
discr <- discr[,c(1:4,11:13)]
discr <- discr[!$`Pr(>Chisq)`),]
kable(discr,caption="Factor Discriminant Validity Test at Cutoff 0.85",digits=3,
      row.names = NA, linesep = '', col.names = 
        c("","","","Factor Correlation","Chisq diff","Df diff","P-Value"), format="simple")

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}

Factor Reliability

rel <- reliability(fit, = TRUE, dropSingle = FALSE, omit.imps = c("no.conv", "", "no.npd")) rel <- rel[3:5,] rel <- rownames(rel) <- c("Omega (Bentler)","Omega (McDonald)","AVE")

Colname for single factor case

if (length(fit@pta$vnames$lv.x[[1]])==1) colnames(rel) <- fit@pta$vnames$lv.x[[1]] rel_transpose <- rel_transpose <- rel_transpose[1:(nrow(rel_transpose)-1),]

Output table

opts <- options(knitr.kable.NA = "Not provided in case of cross-loadings") kable(rel, caption="Factor Reliability",digits=2, linesep = '', longtable=T, format="simple") options(opts)

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}
## Observed Covariance Matrix
obscov <- inspect(fit, "sampstat")$cov  
corrplot::corrplot(obscov, is.corr = FALSE,
               type = 'lower',
               order = "original",
               col='black', method="number", cl.pos = "n", tl.cex=.50, number.cex=0.50)

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}

Model-Implied Covariance Matrix

fittedcov <- inspect(fit, what="cov.ov") # Fitted cov corrplot::corrplot(fittedcov, is.corr = FALSE, type = 'lower', order = "original", col='black', method="number", cl.pos = "n", tl.cex=.50, number.cex=0.50)

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}
## Residual Covariance Matrix
covraw <- lavResiduals(fit,type="raw")$cov
corrplot::corrplot(covraw, is.corr = FALSE,
               type = 'lower',
               order = "original",
               tl.col='black', tl.cex=.50, number.cex=0.50, method="number", cl.cex = 0.5)

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}

Standardized Residual Matrix

covstd <- lavResiduals(fit,type="raw")$cov.z corrplot::corrplot(covstd, is.corr = FALSE, type = 'lower', order = "original", tl.col='black', tl.cex=.50, number.cex=0.50, method="number", cl.cex = 0.5)

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}
## Residual Correlation Matrix
r <- resid(fit, "cor")$cov # Residuals on cor
corrplot::corrplot(r, is.corr = FALSE,
               type = 'lower',
               order = "original",
               tl.col='black', tl.cex=.50, number.cex=0.50, method="number", cl.cex = 0.5)
# Indicator for Modification Indices

# MI for Error Covariances 
mi_corr <- modindices(fit, sort.=TRUE, power=TRUE, high.power = 0.75, na.remove=TRUE, op="~~", maximum.number=10)
mi_corr <- mi_corr[which(mi_corr$lhs %in% fit@pta$vnames$ov[[1]]),]
if (nrow(mi_corr)>0) mi_corr_indic <- TRUE else mi_corr_indic <- FALSE

# MI for Factor Loadings 
mi_fl <- modindices(fit, sort.=TRUE, power=TRUE, high.power = 0.75, na.remove=TRUE, op="=~", delta=0.4, maximum.number=10)
if (nrow(mi_fl)>0) mi_fl_indic <- TRUE else mi_fl_indic <- FALSE

# MI for Factor Covariances
mi_fcov <- modindices(fit, sort.=TRUE, power=TRUE, high.power = 0.75, na.remove=TRUE, op="~~", maximum.number=10)
mi_fcov <- mi_fcov[which(mi_fcov$lhs %in% fit@pta$vnames$lv[[1]]),]
if (nrow(mi_fcov)>0) mi_fcov_indic <- TRUE else mi_fcov_indic <- FALSE

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = mi_corr_indic}

Modification Indices for Correlation

mi_corr <- modindices(fit, sort.=TRUE, power=TRUE, high.power = 0.75, na.remove=TRUE, op="~~", maximum.number=10) mi_corr <- mi_corr[which(mi_corr$lhs %in% fit@pta$vnames$ov[[1]]),] mi_corr <- mi_corr[,c(-6,-8)] rownames(mi_corr) <- NULL kable(mi_corr,col.names=c("Left","Operator","Right","Modification Index", "Expected Parameter Change", "Delta", "Power", "Decision"), digits=3, caption="Modification Indices With Respect To Error Covariances", linesep = '', longtable=T, format="simple")

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = mi_fl_indic}
## Modification Indices for Factor Loadings 
mi_fl <- modindices(fit, sort.=TRUE, power=TRUE, high.power = 0.75, 
                    na.remove=TRUE, op="=~", delta=0.4, maximum.number=10)
mi_fl <- mi_fl[,c(-6,-8)]
rownames(mi_fl) <- NULL
kable(mi_fl,col.names=c("Left","Operator","Right","Modification Index", 
                        "Expected Parameter Change", "Delta", "Power", "Decision"), 
      digits=3, caption="Modification Indices With Respect To Factor Loadings", 
      linesep = '', longtable=T, format="simple")  

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = mi_fcov_indic}

Modification Indices for Factor Covariances

mi_fcov <- modindices(fit, sort.=TRUE, power=TRUE, high.power = 0.75, na.remove=TRUE, op="~~", maximum.number=10) mi_fcov <- mi_fcov[which(mi_fcov$lhs %in% fit@pta$vnames$lv[[1]]),] mi_fcov <- mi_fcov[,c(-6,-8)] rownames(mi_fcov) <- NULL kable(mi_fcov,col.names=c("Left","Operator","Right","Modification Index", "Expected Parameter Change", "Delta", "Power", "Decision"), digits=3, caption="Modification Indices With Respect To Factor Covariances", linesep = '', longtable=T, format="simple")

```{whites, eval=FALSE, echo = eval_code}
## Path Diagram
semPaths(fit, what="std", intercepts = FALSE)
cat("\n# References", fill=TRUE)

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