text <- "# Empty rows w.r.t. selected variables
rows_drop = ["
code <- paste0(text,paste0(paste(rows_drop-1, collapse = ','), "]"))
codechunk(code, style=list("background-color"="#FFFFFF"))
# Drop empty rows
df.drop(df.index[rows_drop], inplace = True)
text <- "# Column indices of selected continuous variables
cols_continuous = ["
indices <- which(colnames(df_code) %in% colnames(df_num))
indices <- indices-1
code <- paste0(text,paste0(paste(indices, collapse = ','), "]"))
codechunk(code, style=list("background-color"="#FFFFFF"))
# Data frame of the continuous variables
df_num = df.iloc[:,cols_continuous]
text <- "# Column indices of selected discrete variables
cols_discrete = ["
indices <- which(colnames(df_code) %in% colnames(df_factor))
indices <- indices-1
code <- paste0(text,paste0(paste(indices, collapse = ','), "]"))
codechunk(code, style=list("background-color"="#FFFFFF"))
# Data frame of the discrete variables
df_cat = df.iloc[:,cols_discrete]
# Continuous variables, descriptive statistics
df_num.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True, key=lambda x: x.str.lower())
df_num_stats = df_num.describe()
df_num_stats = df_num_stats.transpose()
df_num_stats.drop(columns=['25%', '75%'], inplace=True)
df_num_stats.rename(columns={"count": "N Valid", "mean": "Mean", "50%": "Median", 
                             "std": "SD", "min": "Min", "max": "Max"}, inplace=True)
df_num_stats["N Obs"] = df_num.shape[0]
df_num_stats["N Missing"] = df_num.isna().sum()
df_num_stats["% Complete"] = (df_num_stats["N Valid"] / df_num_stats["N Obs"])*100
df_num_stats["N Unique"] = df_num.nunique(dropna=True)
df_num_stats["MAD"] = df_num.apply(lambda x: stats.median_abs_deviation(x, scale="normal", nan_policy='omit'))    
df_num_stats["Skewness"] = df_num.skew(axis=0)
df_num_stats["Kurtosis"] = df_num.kurtosis(axis=0)
df_num_stats.loc[df_num_stats["Min"]>0,"CV"] = df_num_stats["SD"] / df_num_stats["Mean"]
df_num_stats = df_num_stats.round(2)
df_num_stats.loc[df_num_stats["Min"]<=0,"CV"] = ""

## Reorder columns to be similar to the output of the R app 
df_num_stats = df_num_stats.reindex(columns=["N Obs", "N Missing", "N Valid", 
                                             "% Complete", "N Unique", "Mean", 
                                             "SD", "Median", "MAD", "Min", "Max", 
                                             "Skewness", "Kurtosis", "CV"]) 

## Restrict size of characters of index 
cnames = np.array(df_num_stats.index).astype('str')
csize = min(np.max(np.char.str_len(cnames)),25)
df_num_stats.index = list(map(lambda x: x[0:csize], cnames))

## Output
print(tabulate(df_num_stats, headers='keys', tablefmt="simple"))
# Function for Histogram
def histo(ax, var, ylabel, xsize, title):
    sns.histplot(df_num.iloc[:,var], ax = ax, stat='density', 
                 color = '#2fa42d', kde = True)
    minvar = df_num.iloc[:,var].min()
    maxvar = df_num.iloc[:,var].max()
    xaxis = np.arange(minvar, maxvar, 0.1)
    fit_normal = stats.norm.pdf(xaxis, df_num.iloc[:,var].mean(), df_num.iloc[:,var].std())    
    ax.plot(xaxis, fit_normal, lw = 1, color = '#396e9f')
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
    ax.set_xlabel(df_num.columns[var], fontsize=xsize)

# Large Histogram Plots
for var in range(df_num.shape[1]):
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols=1)
  histo(ax, var, "Density", 25, title="Histogram")
# Function little helper to message the axes list to have correct length
def trim_axs(axs, N):
    axs = axs.flat
    for ax in axs[N:]:
    return axs[:N]
# Summary Histogram Plots
## Set number of cols and rows
nrow = math.ceil(np.sqrt(df_num.shape[1]))
ncol = math.ceil(df_num.shape[1] / nrow)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol)
ax = trim_axs(ax, df_num.shape[1])
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 1)
for ax, var in zip(ax.flatten(), range(df_num.shape[1])):
   histo(ax, var, "", 8, title="")
# Function for Box-Plot
def box(ax, var, xsize):
    sns.boxplot(x=df_num.iloc[:,var], ax = ax, color = '#2fa42d')
    ax.set_xlabel(df_num.columns[var], fontsize=xsize)
    title = "Box-Plot of " + str(df_num.columns[var])

# Large Box-Plots 
for var in range(df_num.shape[1]):
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols=1)
  box(ax, var, 25)
# Summary Box-Plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol)
ax = trim_axs(ax, df_num.shape[1])
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 1)
for ax, var in zip(ax.flatten(), range(df_num.shape[1])):
   box(ax, var, 5)
# Function for ECDF Plot
def ecdf(ax, var, xsize):
    sns.ecdfplot(df_num.iloc[:,var], ax = ax, color = '#2fa42d')
    minvar = df_num.iloc[:,var].min()
    maxvar = df_num.iloc[:,var].max()
    xaxis = np.arange(minvar, maxvar, 0.1)
    fit_normal = stats.norm.cdf(xaxis, df_num.iloc[:,var].mean(), df_num.iloc[:,var].std())    
    ax.plot(xaxis, fit_normal, lw = 1, color = '#396e9f')
    ax.set_xlabel(df_num.columns[var], fontsize=xsize)

# Large ECDF Plots    
for var in range(df_num.shape[1]):
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols=1)
  ecdf(ax, var, 15)
# ECDF Plots Summary
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol)
ax = trim_axs(ax, df_num.shape[1])
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 1)
for ax, var in zip(ax.flatten(), range(df_num.shape[1])):
   ecdf(ax, var, 10)
# Function for QQ Plot
def qqplotf(var, ax, xlabel, ylabel, title):
    var_dropna = df_num.iloc[:,var].dropna()
    sm.qqplot(var_dropna, fit=True, ax = ax, line = '45')
    ax.set_ylabel(ylabel + df_num.columns[var])

# QQ-Plots Large    
for var in range(df_num.shape[1]):
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols=1)
  qqplotf(var, ax, "Normal Quantiles", "Sample Quantiles for ", "QQ-Plot")
## QQ Plots Summary
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol)
ax = trim_axs(ax, df_num.shape[1])
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 1)
for ax, var in zip(ax.flatten(), range(df_num.shape[1])):
    qqplotf(var, ax, "", "", "")
# Categorical Variables
## Table Totals 
nobs = np.ones(df_cat.shape[1])*df_cat.shape[0]
nobs = nobs.astype(int)
df_cat.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True, key=lambda x: x.str.lower())
df_cat = df_cat.astype("string")
df_cat_stats = pd.DataFrame(nobs, columns=['N Obs'], index=df_cat.columns)
df_cat_stats["N Missing"] = df_cat.isna().sum()
df_cat_stats["N Valid"] = df_cat.count()
df_cat_stats["% Complete"] = (df_cat_stats["N Valid"] / df_cat_stats["N Obs"])*100
df_cat_stats["N Unique"] = df_cat.nunique(dropna=False)
df_cat_stats = df_cat_stats.round(2)

### Restrict size of characters of index 
cnames = np.array(df_cat_stats.index).astype('str')
csize = min(np.max(np.char.str_len(cnames)),25)
df_cat_stats.index = list(map(lambda x: x[0:csize], cnames))

### Output
print(tabulate(df_cat_stats, headers='keys', tablefmt="simple"))
# Categorical Variables

## Table Frequencies
### Data preparation 
df_cat_miss = df_cat.fillna('Missing')
df_cat_miss = df_cat_miss.applymap(lambda x: x[0:19])

### Function to compute freq per variable
def freq(var):

    # Compute Frequency and Percent columns
    x = df_cat_miss[var].value_counts(sort = True), 
    y = df_cat_miss[var].value_counts(normalize = True, sort = True)

    xdf = pd.DataFrame(x).transpose()
    ydf = pd.DataFrame(y)

    xdf.rename(columns = {xdf.columns[0]: "Frequency"}, inplace=True)
    ydf.rename(columns = {ydf.columns[0]: "Percent"}, inplace=True)

    xdf["Category"] = xdf.index 
    ydf["Category"] = ydf.index 

    # Merge columns and define output df
    df = xdf.merge(ydf, on = "Category")
    df["Variable"] = var
    df = df[["Variable", "Category", "Frequency", "Percent"]]

    # Only the first 20 categories
    df = df.head(n=20)

    # Sort also by Category
    df.sort_values(by=['Frequency', 'Category'], ascending = {False, True}, inplace=True)


# Initialize list of dfs
listdf = []
for var in df_cat_miss.columns:

df_freq = pd.concat(listdf, ignore_index=True)
print(tabulate(df_freq, headers='keys', tablefmt="simple", showindex=False))
# Function for Bar-Plots
def barplot(var, ax, type):
    sns.countplot(x = df_cat_miss.columns[var], ax = ax, 
               color = '#2fa42d', data = df_cat_miss, 
               order = df_cat_miss.iloc[:,var].value_counts(ascending = True).index)

    # Rotate labels 
    if df_cat_miss.iloc[:,var].nunique() in range(10,41):
      ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, ha="right")

    # No labels for variables with ncats > 40 or type summary
    if df_cat_miss.iloc[:,var].nunique() > 40 or type=="Summary":

    title = "Bar-Plot of " + str(df_cat_miss.columns[var])

# Bar-Plots Large    
for var in range(df_cat_miss.shape[1]):
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols=1)
  barplot(var, ax, type="Large")
# Bar-Plots Summary
## Set shape of rows and columns 
nrow = math.ceil(np.sqrt(df_cat.shape[1]))
ncol = math.ceil(df_cat.shape[1] / nrow)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol)
ax = trim_axs(ax, df_cat.shape[1])
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 1)
for ax, var in zip(ax.flatten(), range(df_cat.shape[1])):
    barplot(var, ax, type="Summary")
# Function for Pie-Plots
def pieplot(var,ax, titlesize, textsize, radius):
    cats =  df_cat_miss.iloc[:,var].value_counts()
    labels = cats.index
    ax.pie(x = cats, autopct="%.1f%%", explode=[0]*len(labels), 
            labels = labels, pctdistance=0.7, 
            textprops={'fontsize': textsize}, shadow = True, radius = radius)
    ax.set_title("Pie-Plot of " + df_cat_miss.columns[var], 
                 fontsize = titlesize, pad=10)

# Pie-Plots Large    
for var in range(df_cat_miss.shape[1]):
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols=1)
  pieplot(var, ax, titlesize=14, textsize=8, radius=1)
# Pie-Plots Summary 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10,10))
ax = trim_axs(ax, df_cat.shape[1])
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 1)
for ax, var in zip(ax.flatten(), range(df_cat.shape[1])):
    pieplot(var, ax, titlesize=7, textsize=6, radius=1.2)
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3, wspace=0.01) 

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Statsomat documentation built on Nov. 17, 2021, 5:17 p.m.