Man pages for Stickbreaker
Fits Stickbreaking, Multiplicative and Additive Models to Data batch data generated by '' batch data generated by ''
burns.dataA dataset containing the fitness values for recombinant...
calc.stick.logLnWrapper function so log-likelihood of stickbreaking can be...
calculate.posteriors.for.datasetsCalculates posterior probabilities for each row of dataset...
caudle.dataA dataset containing the fitness values for recombinant...
Chou.dataA dataset containing the fitness values for recombinant...
estimate.d.MLEFind MLE of d
estimate.d.RDBEstimate d using relative distance to boundary (RDB) methods
estimate.d.sequentialEstimate d using sequential method
fit.add.modelFit the additive model to data
fit.modelsFit all models to data
fit.mult.modelFit the multiplicative model to data
fit.nnet.multinomial.regressionFit training data to multinomial regression using nnet...
fit.stick.model.given.dFit the stickbreaking model to data for a given value of d
generate.geno.matrixGenerate genotype matrix for given number of mutations.
generate.geno.weight.matrixInternal simulation function to generate a matrix to weight...
Khan.dataA dataset containing the fitness values for recombinant... regression of background fitness against effects
sim.add.dataSimulate data under additive model. data from priors then use to calculate posterior... data at specified parameter values for doing model... data from priors for doing model selection fitness data under multiplicative and additive... and fit batch data under stickbreaking model
sim.mult.dataSimulate data under multiplicative model. partial data from priors for doing model selection
sim.stick.dataSimulate data under stickbreaking model.
summarize.fits.for.posterior.calcExtracts summary statistics from each model needed for...
summarize.posteriors.on.simulated.datasetCalculate classification performance on simulated data
Stickbreaker documentation built on May 29, 2017, 9:01 a.m.