Man pages for StormR
Analyzing the Behaviour of Wind Generated by Tropical Storms and Cyclones

defStormsDatasetCreating a 'stormsDataset' object
defStormsListCreating a 'stormsList' object
eezNCEEZ of New Caledonia
getBuffer-methodsGetting the buffered location of interest
getBufferSize-methodsGetting the buffer size
getInObs-methodsGetting the number of the observations
getLOI-methodsGetting the location of interest
getNames-methodsGetting the names of the storms
getNbObs-methodsGetting the number of observations
getNbStorms-methodsGetting the number of 'storm'
getObs-methodsGetting observations
getScale-methodsGetting maximum level in the wind scale
getSeasons-methodsGetting cyclonic seasons of the storms
getStorm-methodsExtracting a 'storm'
plotBehaviourPlotting spatial wind behaviour
plotStormsPlotting storm track data
plotTemporalPlotting wind behaviour time series and summary statistics at...
show-methodsShow a 'storm'/'stormsList'
spatialBehaviourComputing wind behaviour and summary statistics over given...
storm-class'storm' object
stormsList-class'stormsList' object
temporalBehaviourComputing wind behaviour time series and summary statistics...
writeRastExporting rasters to GeoTIFF or NetCDF files
StormR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:52 a.m.