stormsDataset-class: stormsDataset

stormsDataset-classR Documentation



Choose the database to use within the package's functions


The fields input must provide at least 6 mandatory fields (and at most 10) in order to benefit from all the functionalities of this package:

  • A field names: which dimension contains the names of storms in the netcdf database

  • A field seasons: which dimension contains the cyclonic seasons of storms in the netcdf database

  • A field isoTime: which dimension contains the ISO times of each (3 or 6 hourly) observations for all storms in the database

  • A field lon: which dimension contains the longitude coordinates of each observations for all storms in the netcdf database

  • A field lat: which dimension contains the latitude coordinates of each observations for all storms in the netcdf database

  • A field msw: which dimension contains the maximum sustained wind speed of each observations for all storms in the netcdf database

The following fields are optional but highly recommended:

  • A field basin: which dimension contains the basin location of storms in the netcdf database. Used to filter the storms in the netcdf database

  • A field rmw: which dimension contains the radius of maximum wind speed of each observations for all storms in the netcdf database (See spatialBehaviour, temporalBehaviour)

Finally these following fields are optional but mandatory to perform Holland model (See spatialBehaviour, temporalBehaviour)

  • A field pressure: which dimension contains the pressure in the eye for of each observations for all storms in the netcdf database

  • A field poci: which dimension contains the Pressure at the Outermost Closed Isobar for of each observations for all storms in the nectdf database

Default value is set according to the most relevant dimensions of IBTrACS databases: fields = c(basin = "basin", names = "name", seasons = "season", isoTime = "iso_time", lon = "usa_lon", lat = "usa_lat", msw = "usa_wind", rmw = "usa_rmw", pressure = "usa_pres", poci = "usa_poci")



character. Name of the database to load. Must be either a netcdf or a csv file


named character vector. Dictionary that provides all the name of dimensions to extract from the netcdf database (See Details)


character. Basin name to filter the database within its boundaries. It must be either

  • "NA": North Atlantic

  • "SA": South Atlantic

  • "EP": Eastern North Pacific

  • "WP": Western North Pacific

  • "SP": South Pacific

  • "SI": South India

  • "NI": North India

  • "None": No particular basin


numeric vector. Range of calendar years to filter storms. For cyclones that formed in one year and dissipated in the following year, the latter should be used


list of 6 to 9 slots depending on the fields input. Each slot is either a 1D array of dimension (number of storms) for names and seasons fields, or a 2D array of dimension (Maximum number of observations:number of storms), for the remaining fields which are isoTime, lon, lat, msw, rmw, pressure, poci

StormR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:52 a.m.