incfix: Fix Inclination

incfixR Documentation

Fix Inclination


Fix inclination and declination so that they fall in the correct quadrant and hemisphere (modified from RFOC package)


incfix(dec, inc, hsphere = "b")



declination of the data; it is the angle from the north taken on an horizontal plane. It is measured clockwise from North and ranges from 0 to 360° (Tauxe 2010). Values outside this range are corrected by this function.


inclination of the data; it is the angle from the horizontal, is positive downward, and ranges from +90° for straight down to -90° for straight up (Tauxe, 2010). Values outside this range are corrected by this function.


the hemisphere onto which to project the data. Either "b" for both. This is the default and useful for paleomagnetism. In this case positive and negative values of inc are permitted. Or "l" for lower, and "u" for upper, allowing only negative or positive inc values respectively.


Quadrants are determined by the sine and cosine of the dip angle: co = cos(dip), si = sin(dip), quad[co>=0 & si>=0] = 1, quad[co<0 & si>=0] = 2, quad[co<0 & si<0] = 3 and quad[co>=0 & si<0] = 4. Samples at inc == 0° and inc == 90° are taken as exceptions (cf. code). Be cautions with the floating point error however, round if needed.

See Also

fmod, dipfix and transphere



StratigrapheR documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:02 p.m.