Man pages for SubgrPlots
Graphical Displays for Subgroup Analysis in Clinical Trials

ggplot_radialRadial (Galbraith) plot for subgroup effect size
ggplot_radial2Modified Radial (Galbraith) plot for subgroup effect size
ggplot_steppSTEPP for subgroup effect size
plot_alluvialAlluvial plot
plot_barchartBarchart for subgroup effect size
plot_circleCircular plot using circlize package
plot_circle2Circular plot using circlize package with matrix layout.
plot_contourContour plot for subgroup effect size
plot_contour_localregContour plot for effect size via local regression.
plot_dissimilaritya plot for displaying dissimilarity distances of subgroups
plot_dissimilarity_alternativeAn alternative plot for displaying dissimilarity distances of...
plot_forestForest plot for subgroup effect size
plot_labbeL'Abbe plot for subgroup effect size
plot_levelLevel plot for subgroup effect size
plot_matrix_overlapmatrix plots for relative overlap proportions of pairwise...
plot_mosaicMosaic plot
plot_networknetwork overlap plot (only works for binary variables)
plot_nightingaleNightingale plot
plot_nightingale_effectNightingale plot with treatment effects
plot_overlapA graphical display for showing relative proportions of...
plot_overlap2a graphical display for showing relative proportions of...
plot_overlap_alternativea graphical display for showing relative proportions of...
plot_radialRadial (Galbraith) plot for subgroup effect size
plot_radial2Modified Radial (Galbraith) plot for subgroup effect size
plot_steppSTEPP for subgroup effect size
plot_treeTree plot for subgroup effect size
plot_vennVenn diagram for subgroup effect size
prcaProstate Cancer Dataset
subgroupsetUpSetR Plot with treatment effects
SubgrPlots documentation built on Jan. 29, 2020, 5:07 p.m.