sracpp: Compute the sequential rank agreement between k ranked lists

View source: R/RcppExports.R

sracppR Documentation

Compute the sequential rank agreement between k ranked lists


Computes the sequential rank agreement (number of items present in all k lists divided by the current rank) for each rank in the k lists


sracpp(rankMat, maxlength, B, cens, type = 0L, epsilon = as.numeric(c(0)))



A matrix with k columns corresponding to the k ranked lists. Elements of each column are integers between 1 and the length of the lists


The maximum depth that are needed XXX


The number of resamples to use in the presence of censored lists


A vector of integer values that


The type of distance measure to use: 0 (the default) is the variance while 1 is MAD (median absolute deviation)


A non-negative numeric vector that contains the minimum limit in proportion of lists that must show the item. Defaults to 0. If a single number is provided then the value will be recycles to the number of items.


A vector of the same length as the rows in rankMat containing the squared (!) sequential rank agreement between the lists for each depth. If the MAD type was chosen then the sequential MAD values are returned


Claus Ekstrøm <>

SuperRanker documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 1:08 a.m.