Man pages for Superpower
Simulation-Based Power Analysis for Factorial Designs

alpha_standardizedCompute standardized alpha level based on unstandardized...
ANCOVA_analyticPower Calculations for Factorial ANCOVAs
ANCOVA_contrastPower Calculations for ANCOVA Contrasts
ancova_power-methodsMethods for ancova_power objects
ANOVA_compromiseJustify your alpha level by minimizing or balancing Type 1...
ANOVA_designDesign function used to specify the parameters to be used in...
ANOVA_exactSimulates an exact dataset (mu, sd, and r represent...
ANOVA_powerSimulation function used to estimate power
design_aov-methodsMethods for design_aov objects
emmeans_powerCompute power for 'emmeans' contrasts
morey_plotPlot out power sensitivity plots for t or F tests
mu_from_ESConvenience function to calculate the means for between...
opt_alpha-methodsMethods for opt_alpha objects
optimal_alphaJustify your alpha level by minimizing or balancing Type 1...
plot_powerConvenience function to plot power across a range of sample...
power.ftestPower Calculations for an F-test
power_oneway_ancovaPower Calculations for a one-way ANCOVA
power_oneway_betweenAnalytic power calculation for one-way between designs.
power_oneway_withinAnalytic power calculation for one-way within designs.
power_standardized_alphaOptimizing function to achieve desired power based on a...
power_threeway_betweenAnalytic power calculation for three-way between designs.
power_twoway_betweenAnalytic power calculation for two-way between designs.
p_standardizedCompute standardized alpha level based on unstandardized...
sim_result-methodsMethods for sim_result objects
Superpower_optionsSet/get global Superpower options
Superpower documentation built on May 17, 2022, 5:08 p.m.