Man pages for SurrogateOutcome
Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by Surrogate Outcome Information

censor.weightCalculates censoring probability for weighting
cumsum2Helper function
delta.estimateEstimates the treatment effect at time t, defined as the...
delta.estimate.RMSTHelper function
delta.q.event.RMSTCalculates the residual treatment effect (the difference in...
delta.q.event.semi.RMSTCalculates the residual treatment effect (the difference in...
delta.t.RMSTCalculates the residual treatment effect (the difference in...
ExampleDataHypothetical data
helper.siHelper function
IV.eventCalculates the incremental value of the surrogate outcome...
Kern.FUNCalculates kernel matrix
new.qHelper function
pred.smooth.survCalculates the conditional probability of survival for...
R.q.eventCalculates the proportion of the treatment effect (the...
R.t.estimateCalculates the proportion of the treatment effect (the...
SurrogateOutcome-packageEstimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by...
VTMRepeats a row
SurrogateOutcome documentation built on Nov. 15, 2021, 5:08 p.m.