Man pages for SurvivalPath
Construction and Visualization of Survival Path Tree using Time-Series Survival Data

compareTreatmentPlansCompare and Draw the KM curve of specified treatment plan or...
DTSDHCCSYSUCC Hepatocellular Carcinoma Dynamic Time Series Data
evaluatePerformance Evaluation of Survival Path Model
EvolutionAfterTreatmentDisplay node transition with specified treatment plan or...
generatorDTSDInstantiate the an object of class Dynamic Time Series Data...
matchsubgroupScreen and collect data of subjects that meet the given...
plotKMCompare and Draw the KM curves of any given nodes
survivalpathBuild Survival Path Model Using Dynamic Time Series Data...
timedivisionConvert Multiple Rows Arranged Time-Series Data into...
SurvivalPath documentation built on July 4, 2022, 1:05 a.m.