Man pages for Synth
Synthetic Control Group Method for Comparative Case Studies

basquePanel Data from Spanish Regions to demonstrate the use of the...
collect.optimxCollect results from optimx optimization methods
dataprepConstructs a list of matrices from panel dataset to be loaded...
fn.VLoss Function for nested optimization of W and V weights
gaps.plotPlots Gap in Outcome Trajectories between the Treated its...
path.plotPlots Outcome Trajectories for Treated Unit and its Synthetic...
spec.pred.funcSpecial Predictor Function for Dataprep
synthConstructs synthetic control units for comparative case...
synth.dataPanel Data to demonstrate the use of the Synthetic Control...
synth.tabCreates Tables that Summarize Results of Synthetic Control...
Synth documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:23 p.m.