Man pages for TED
Turbulence Time Series Event Detection and Classification

aniploteventsGenerate a gif to visualise the event detection process
CASES99One day of 1-s averages of the thermocouple temperature data...
cbfsGenerate an artificial event with white noise
cbfs_redGenerate an artificial event with red noise
detrendcConditionally detrend a time series
eventClusterCluster detected events
eventDetectionDetect events from time series
eventExtractionExtract events from time series
measuresCalculate statistical characteristics of an event
noiseTestsPerform noise tests for a time series
ploteventsPlot the detected events
ted-packageDetect and classify events from turbulence time series
ts2matReshape a vector into a matrix root test for events considering a structrual break
TED documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:26 a.m.