Man pages for TIMP
Fitting Separable Nonlinear Models in Spectroscopy and Microscopy

amp-classClass "amp" for diagonal matrix model specification.
baseIRFBaseline subtraction from a vector, usually representing an...
dat-classClass "dat" for model and data storage
denS4Time-resolved absorption data
divergeZimagePlots a matrix with a diverging palette, with the center...
donorAcceptorTaggedFluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data
donorTaggedFluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data
efit2fileConvert 'tim' FORTRAN efit files to plain matrices in ASCII...
examineFitExamines the results of a call to fitModel
fit-classClass "fit" to store the results of model fitting associated...
fitModelPerforms optimization of (possibly multidataset) models.
FLIMplotsFunctions to plot FLIM results.
getClpindepXGeneric function getClpindepX in Package 'TIMP'
getResidFor data correction, fits a model (but ignores plotting...
getResultsFunctions to print and return parts of the object returned by...
initModelDefines the model to be used in analysis.
internalsTIMP function used internally
kin-classClass "kin" for kinetic model storage.
kinopt-classClass "kinopt" stores options for fitting and plotting...
mass-classClass "mass" for mass spectrometry model storage.
massopt-classClass "massopt" stores options for fitting and plotting...
mea_IRFInstrument response for fluorescent lifetime imaging...
modifyModelAllows the starting values for parameters associated with a...
multimodel-classClass "multimodel" for storage of multidataset models, data...
multitheta-classClass "multitheta" that stores a list with one element of...
opt-classClass "opt" stores options for fitting and plotting
outlierCorrFinds and removes outliers from a datasets
plotterGeneric function plotter in Package 'TIMP'
preProcessPerforms preprocessing on data stored as an objects of class...
readclp0This function reads in a specification of constraints to zero...
readDataThis function reads in data the ivo file format
res-classClass "res" to store the results of model fitting associated...
residPartGeneric function residPart in Package 'TIMP'
spec-classClass "spec" for the storage of spectral models.
specopt-classClass "specopt" stores options for fitting and plotting...
sumKinSpecEstMakes a summary plot of spectra associated with kinetic...
targetUltrafast time-resolved fluorescence data
theta-classClass "theta" for storage of nonlinear parameter estimates
TIMP-packagea problem solving environment for fitting separable nonlinear...
writeAverageWrites the average of scans stored in a file to a new file in...
TIMP documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 3:06 a.m.