Man pages for TRADER
Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R

abramsNowacki and Abrams 1997, Black and Abrams 2003 or "pure...
absoluteIncreaseAnalysis by Fraver & White 2005 called "absolute increase"
absoluteIncreaseALLOveral function for Fraver & White 2005 method called...
absTresholdCompute absolute threshold
boundaryFitFit multiple boundary lines.
boundaryGetGet values for fitting boundary line.
boundaryLineALLOveral function for Black and Abrams 2003 method or "pure...
doAllDo all implemented analyses, write tables and figures.
growthAveragingALLOveral function for Nowacki and Abrams 1997 method.
helpHelp functions.
plotBoundaryPlot boundary line.
plotFirstYearsPlot first years of trees.
plotGrowthPlot growth of all trees.
plotNOReleasePlot number of releases.
plotReleasePlot releases according the given method.
reduceByLBReduce releases by length and buffer.
relDataRelease data
splechtnaSplechtna et al. 2005 type of releases analysis.
splechtnaALLOveral function for Splechtna et al. 2005 type of releases...
TRADER-packageTree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R
TRADER documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:35 a.m.