example.database2: Example synthetic database with series belonging to different...

example.database2R Documentation

Example synthetic database with series belonging to different classes.


Example synthetic database with series belonging to 6 different classes.




example.database2 a list conformed of the following two elements:

  • data The 100 time series are stored in a numeric matrix, row-wise.

  • classes A numerical vector of length 100 that takes values in {1,2,3,4,5,6}. Each element in the vector represents the class of one of the series.


example.database2 is a database conformed of 100 series of length 100 obtained from 6 different classes. Each class is represented by the following function:

The class to which each series belongs is given in the classes vector.

  • Class 1: random function


  • Class 2: periodic function

    f2(t)=80+15\sin(\frac{2π t + sh}{T})+n(t)

  • Class 3: increasing linear trend


  • Class 4: decreasing linear trend


  • Class 5: piecewise linear function which takes a value of 80+n(t) for the first L/2+sh of the series and a value of 90+n(t) for the rest of the points.

  • Class 6: piecewise linear function which takes a value of 90+n(t) for the first L/2+sh of the series and a value of 80+n(t) for the rest of the points.

    r(t) is a random value issued from a N(0,3) distribution, L is the length of the series, 100 in this case, and T is the period and is defined as a third of the length of the series. n(t) is a random noise obtained from a N(0,2.8) distribution.. Finally, sh is an integer value that takes a random value between (-7,7) and shifts the series sh positions to the right or left, depending on the sign.



##  The "data" element of the list contains the time series, set in a row-wise format.


##  The "classes" element in example.database2 contains the classes of the series: 


TSdist documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 5:09 p.m.