API for TauStar
Efficient Computation and Testing of the Bergsma-Dassios Sign Covariance

Global functions
HoeffIndCdfRCPP Source code
HoeffIndDiscreteCdfRCPP Source code
HoeffIndDiscretePdfRCPP Source code
HoeffIndMixedCdfRCPP Source code
HoeffIndMixedPdfRCPP Source code
HoeffIndPdfRCPP Source code
TStarFastResampleRCPP Source code
TStarHellerAndHellerRCPP Source code
TStarNaiveRCPP Source code
TStarWeihsEtAlRCPP Source code
TauStar Man page
TauStar-package Man page
VTStarHellerAndHellerRCPP Source code
VTStarWeihsEtAlRCPP Source code
binaryQuantileSearch Man page Source code
dDisHoeffInd Man page Source code
dHoeffInd Man page Source code
dMixHoeffInd Man page Source code
eigenForDiscreteProbs Man page Source code
isDiscrete Man page Source code
isProb Man page Source code
isProbVector Man page Source code
isValidDataVector Man page Source code
pDisHoeffInd Man page Source code
pHoeffInd Man page Source code
pMixHoeffInd Man page Source code
print.tstest Man page Source code
qDisHoeffInd Man page Source code
qHoeffInd Man page Source code
qMixHoeffInd Man page Source code
rDisHoeffInd Man page Source code
rHoeffInd Man page Source code
rMixHoeffInd Man page Source code
tStar Man page Source code
tauStarTest Man page Source code
TauStar documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:59 p.m.