
Defines functions tStar binaryQuantileSearch pHoeffInd rHoeffInd dHoeffInd qHoeffInd isProbVector isProb pDisHoeffInd dDisHoeffInd rDisHoeffInd qDisHoeffInd pMixHoeffInd dMixHoeffInd rMixHoeffInd qMixHoeffInd print.tstest isDiscrete isValidDataVector tauStarTest

Documented in binaryQuantileSearch dDisHoeffInd dHoeffInd dMixHoeffInd isDiscrete isProb isProbVector isValidDataVector pDisHoeffInd pHoeffInd pMixHoeffInd print.tstest qDisHoeffInd qHoeffInd qMixHoeffInd rDisHoeffInd rHoeffInd rMixHoeffInd tauStarTest tStar

# Copyright (C) 2015 Luca Weihs
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Computing t*
#' Computes the t* U-statistic for input data pairs
#' (x_1,y_1), (x_2,y_2), ..., (x_n,y_n)
#' using the algorithm developed by Heller and Heller (2016) <arXiv:1605.08732>
#' building off of the work of Weihs, Drton, and Leung (2015)
#' <DOI:10.1007/s00180-015-0639-x>.
#' @export
#' @param x A numeric vector of x values (length >= 4).
#' @param y A numeric vector of y values, should be of the same length as x.
#' @param vStatistic If TRUE then will compute the V-statistic version of t*,
#'        otherwise will compute the U-Statistic version of t*. Default is to compute
#'        the U-statistic.
#' @param resample If TRUE then will compute an approximation of t* using a
#'        subsettting approach: samples of size sampleSize are taken from the data
#'        numResample times, t* is computed on each subsample, and all subsample t*
#'        values are then averaged. Note that this only works when vStatistic ==
#'        FALSE, in general you probably don't want to compute the V-statistic via
#'        resampling as the size of the bias depends on the sampleSize irrespective
#'        numResamples. Default is resample == FALSE so that t* is computed on all of
#'        the data, this may be slow for very large sample sizes. Resampling
#'        can only be used when the method argument is using its default.
#' @param numResamples See resample variable description for details, this
#'        value is ignored if resample == FALSE (ignored by default).
#' @param sampleSize See resample variable description for details, this value
#'        is ignored if resample == FALSE (ignored by default).
#' @param method which method to use to compute the statistic. Default is
#'        "fastest" which uses the fastest available method (currently "heller").
#'        The options are "heller" described in Heller and Heller (2016), "weihs",
#'        using the algorithm from Weihs et al. (2015), and "naive" using a naive
#'        algorithm.
#' @param slow a deprecated option kept for backwards compatability. If TRUE
#'        then will override the method parameter and compute the t* statistic
#'        using a naive O(n^4) algorithm.
#' @return The numeric value of the t* statistic.
#' @references
#' Bergsma, Wicher; Dassios, Angelos. A consistent test of independence based
#' on a sign covariance related to Kendall's tau. \emph{Bernoulli} 20 (2014),
#' no. 2, 1006--1028.
#' \cr\cr
#' Heller, Yair and Heller, Ruth. "Computing the Bergsma Dassios
#' sign-covariance." arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.08732 (2016).
#' \cr\cr
#' Weihs, Luca, Mathias Drton, and Dennis Leung. "Efficient Computation of the
#' Bergsma-Dassios Sign Covariance." arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.00964 (2015).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(TauStar)
#' # Compute t* for a concordant quadruple
#' tStar(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4)) # == 2/3
#' # Compute t* for a discordant quadruple
#' tStar(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,-1,1,-1)) # == -1/3
#' # Compute t* on random normal iid normal data
#' set.seed(23421)
#' tStar(rnorm(4000), rnorm(4000)) # near 0
#' # Compute t* as a v-statistic
#' set.seed(923)
#' tStar(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), vStatistic = TRUE)
#' # Compute an approximation of tau* via resampling
#' set.seed(9492)
#' tStar(rnorm(10000), rnorm(10000), resample = TRUE, sampleSize = 30,
#'       numResamples = 5000)
#' }
tStar <- function(x, y, vStatistic = FALSE, resample = FALSE,
                  numResamples = 500, sampleSize = min(length(x), 1000),
                  method = "fastest", slow = FALSE) {
  if (slow) {
    method = "naive"
  } else if (method == "fastest") {
    method = "heller"
  if (!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(y)) {
    stop("Input x and y to tStar must be numeric.")
  if (length(x) != length(y) || length(x) < 4) {
    stop("Input x and y to tStar are of the wrong length, they must both have equal length < 4.")
  if (!is.logical(vStatistic) || length(vStatistic) != 1) {
    stop("Input parameter vStatistic into function tStar must be a logical T/F value.")
  if (!is.logical(slow) || length(slow) != 1) {
    stop("Input parameter slow into function tStar must be a logical T/F value.")
  if (!is.logical(resample) || length(resample) != 1) {
    stop("Input parameter resample into function tStar must be a logical T/F value.")
  if (resample && numResamples <= 0) {
    stop("When resampling the number of resamples must be positive.")
  if (resample && (sampleSize < 4 || sampleSize > length(x))) {
    stop("When resampling the sample size must be greater than 3 and less than the length of the input data.")
  if (resample && method != "heller") {
    stop("Resampling is not currently implemented for given method.")
  if (resample && vStatistic) {
    stop("Resampling is not currently implemented when computing V-statistics. Note that you probably don't want to compute the V-statistic via resampling as the size of the bias would depend on the size of subsets chosen independent of the number of resamples.")
  if (!(method %in% c("fastest", "heller", "weihs", "naive"))) {
    stop("Invalid method argument")

  if (resample) {
    return(TStarFastResampleRCPP(x, y, numResamples, sampleSize))
  } else if (method == "naive") {
    return(TStarNaiveRCPP(x, y, vStatistic))
  } else if (method == "weihs") {
    ord = sort.list(x, method = "quick", na.last = NA)
    x = x[ord]
    y = y[ord]
    if (vStatistic) {
      return(VTStarWeihsEtAlRCPP(x, y))
    } else {
      return(TStarWeihsEtAlRCPP(x, y))
  } else { # method must be "heller"
    if (vStatistic) {
      return(VTStarHellerAndHellerRCPP(x, y))
    } else {
      return(TStarHellerAndHellerRCPP(x, y))

#' Quantiles of a distribution.
#' Computes the pth quantile of a cumulative distribution function using a
#' simple binary serach algorithm. This can be extremely slow but has the
#' benefit of being trivial to implement.
#' @param pDistFunc a cumulative distribution function on the real numbers, it
#'        should take a single argument x and return the cumualtive distribution
#'        function evaluated at x.
#' @param p the quantile \eqn{p\in[0,1]}
#' @param lastLeft binary search works by continuously decreasing the search
#'        space from the left and right. lastLeft should be a lower bound for
#'        the quantile p.
#' @param lastRight similar to lastRight but should be an upper bound.
#' @param error the error tolerated from the binary search
#' @return the quantile (within error).
binaryQuantileSearch = function(pDistFunc, p, lastLeft, lastRight,
                                error = 10^-4) {
  mid = (lastLeft + lastRight) / 2
  pMid = pDistFunc(mid)
  if (lastRight - lastLeft < error) {
  } else if (pMid > p) {
    return(binaryQuantileSearch(pDistFunc, p, lastLeft, mid, error))
  } else {
    return(binaryQuantileSearch(pDistFunc, p, mid, lastRight, error))

#' Null asymptotic distribution of t* in the continuous case
#' Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for
#' the asymptotic null distribution of t* in the continuous case. That is, in
#' the case that t* is generated from a sample of jointly continuous independent
#' random variables.
#' @export
#' @param x the value (or vector of values) at which to evaluate the function.
#' @param p the probability (or vector of probabilities) for which to get the
#'        quantile.
#' @param n the number of observations to return.
#' @param error a tolerated error in the result. This should be considered as a
#'        guide rather than an exact upper bound to the amount of error.
#' @param lower.tail a logical value, if TRUE (default), probabilities are
#'        \eqn{P(X\leq x)} otherwise \eqn{P(X>x)}.
#' @name pHoeffInd
#' @rdname pHoeffInd
#' @return dHoeffInd gives the density, pHoeffInd gives the distribution
#'         function, qHoeffInd gives the quantile function, and rHoeffInd
#'         generates random samples.
pHoeffInd <- function(x, lower.tail = T, error = 10^-5) {
  if (lower.tail) {
    return(HoeffIndCdfRCPP(x + 1, error))
  return(1 - HoeffIndCdfRCPP(x + 1, error))

#' @rdname pHoeffInd
#' @export
rHoeffInd <- function(n) {
  sims = numeric(n)
  for(i in 1:50) {
    for(j in 1:50) {
      sims = sims + (36 / pi^4) * (1 / (i^2 * j^2)) * (rchisq(n, df = 1) - 1)

#' @rdname pHoeffInd
#' @export
dHoeffInd <- function(x, error = 1/2 * 10^-3) {
  if (length(x) != 1) {
    return(sapply(x, function(y) { HoeffIndPdfRCPP(y + 1, error) }))
  HoeffIndPdfRCPP(x + 1, error)

#' @rdname pHoeffInd
#' @export
qHoeffInd <- function(p, error = 10^-4) {
  if (p == 0) {
  } else if (p == 1) {
  } else if (p < 0 || p > 1) {
    stop("p must be between 0 and 1 in qHoeffInd.")
  right = 1
  while (pHoeffInd(right, error = error / 2) < p) {
    right = right * 2
  pDistFunc = function(x) { pHoeffInd(x, error/2) }
  return(binaryQuantileSearch(pDistFunc, p, -1,
                              right, error / 2))

#' Check if Vector of Probabilities
#' Checks if the input vector has entries that sum to 1 and are non-negative
#' @param probs the probability vector to check
#' @return TRUE if conditions are met, FALSE if otherwise
isProbVector <- function(probs) {
  probSum = sum(probs)
  return(abs(probSum - 1) < 10^-7 && all(probs >= 0))

#' Check if a Valid Probability
#' Checks if the input vector has a single entry that is between 0 and 1
#' @param prob the probability to check
#' @return TRUE if conditions are met, FALSE if otherwise
isProb <- function(prob) {
  return(length(prob) == 1 && prob >= 0 && prob <= 1)

#' Null asymptotic distribution of t* in the discrete case
#' Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for
#' the asymptotic null distribution of t* in the discrete case. That is, in the
#' case that t* is generated from a sample of jointly discrete independent
#' random variables X and Y.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams pHoeffInd
#' @param probs1 a vector of probabilities corresponding to the (ordered)
#'        support of X. That is if your first random variable has support
#'        \eqn{u_1,...,u_n} then the ith entry of probs should be
#'        eqn{P(X = u_i)}.
#' @param probs2 just as probs1 but for the second random variable Y.
#' @name pDisHoeffInd
#' @rdname pDisHoeffInd
#' @return dDisHoeffInd gives the density, pDisHoeffInd gives the distribution
#'         function, qDisHoeffInd gives the quantile function, and
#'         rDisHoeffInd generates random samples.
pDisHoeffInd <- function(x, probs1, probs2, lower.tail = T, error = 10^-5) {
  if (!isProbVector(probs1) || !isProbVector(probs2)) {
    stop("either probs1 or probs2 in pDisHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
  if (any(probs1 == 1) || any(probs2 == 1)) {
    lowerTailProb = if (x >= 0) 1 else 0
  } else {
    eigenP = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs1)
    eigenQ = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs2)
    lowerTailProb = HoeffIndDiscreteCdfRCPP(x + 4 * sum(eigenP) * sum(eigenQ),
                                            eigenP, eigenQ, error)
  if (lower.tail) {
  return(1 - lowerTailProb)

#' @rdname pDisHoeffInd
#' @export
dDisHoeffInd <- function(x, probs1, probs2, error = 10^-3) {
  if (!isProbVector(probs1) || !isProbVector(probs2)) {
    stop("either probs1 or probs2 in pDisHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
  if (any(probs1 == 1) || any(probs2 ==1)) {
    stop(paste("since length(probs1) == 1 or length(probs2) == 1 resulting",
         "distribution is degenerate and thus has no density."))
  eigenP = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs1)
  eigenQ = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs2)
  return(HoeffIndDiscretePdfRCPP(x + 4 * sum(eigenP) * sum(eigenQ),

#' @rdname pDisHoeffInd
#' @export
rDisHoeffInd <- function(n, probs1, probs2) {
  if (!isProbVector(probs1) || !isProbVector(probs2)) {
    stop("either probs1 or probs2 in rDisHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
  if (any(probs1 == 1) || any(probs2 ==1)) {
    return(rep(0, n))
  eigenP = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs1)
  eigenQ = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs2)
  asymResults = numeric(n)
  for (i in 1:length(eigenP)) {
    for (j in 1:length(eigenQ)) {
      asymResults = asymResults + 4 * eigenP[i] * eigenQ[j] * (rchisq(n, df = 1) - 1)

#' @rdname pDisHoeffInd
#' @export
qDisHoeffInd <- function(p, probs1, probs2, error = 10^-4) {
  if (!isProbVector(probs1) || !isProbVector(probs2)) {
    stop("either probs1 or probs2 in pqisHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
  if (!isProb(p)) {
    stop("probability p must be length 1 and in [0,1].")
  if (any(probs1 == 1) || any(probs2 ==1)) {

  left = -4 * sum(eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs1)) * sum(eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs2))
  if (p == 0) {
  } else if (p == 1) {
  right = 1
  while (pDisHoeffInd(right, probs1, probs2, error = error / 2) < p) {
    right = right * 2
  return(binaryQuantileSearch(function(x) { pDisHoeffInd(x, probs1, probs2,
                                                         error = error / 2) },
                              p, left, right, error))

#' Null asymptotic distribution of t* in the mixed case
#' Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for
#' the asymptotic null distribution of t* in the mixed case. That is, in the
#' case that t* is generated a sample from an independent bivariate distribution
#' where one coordinate is marginally discrete and the other marginally
#' continuous.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams pHoeffInd
#' @param probs a vector of probabilities corresponding to the (ordered)
#'        support the marginally discrete random variable. That is, if the
#'        marginally discrete distribution has support \eqn{u_1,...,u_n}
#'        then the ith entry of probs should be the probability of seeing
#'        \eqn{u_i}.
#' @name pMixHoeffInd
#' @rdname pMixHoeffInd
#' @return dMixHoeffInd gives the density, pMixHoeffInd gives the distribution
#'         function, qMixHoeffInd gives the quantile function, and
#'         rMixHoeffInd generates random samples.
pMixHoeffInd <- function(x, probs, lower.tail = T, error = 10^-6) {
  if (!isProbVector(probs)) {
    stop("probs in pMixHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
  if (any(probs == 1)) {
    lowerTailProb = if (x >= 0) 1 else 0
  } else {
    eigenP = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs)
    lowerTailProb = HoeffIndMixedCdfRCPP(x + 2 * sum(eigenP), eigenP, error)
  if (lower.tail) {
  return(1 - lowerTailProb)

#' @rdname pMixHoeffInd
#' @export
dMixHoeffInd <- function(x, probs, error = 10^-3) {
  if (!isProbVector(probs)) {
    stop("probs in dMixHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
  if (any(probs == 1)) {
    stop(paste("probs represents a degenerate discrete random variable and",
               "thus the density of the asymptotic distribution doesn't exist"))
  eigenP = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs)
  return(HoeffIndMixedPdfRCPP(x + 2 * sum(eigenP),

#' @rdname pMixHoeffInd
#' @export
rMixHoeffInd <- function(n, probs, error = 10^-8) {
  if (!isProbVector(probs)) {
    stop("probs in rMixHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
  if (any(probs == 1)) {
    return(rep(0, n))
  eigenP = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs)
  top = ceiling((sum((12 / pi^2 * eigenP)^2) / (3 * error))^(1/3) + 1)
  sims = numeric(n)
  for (lambda in eigenP) {
    for (i in 1:top) {
      sims = sims + (12 / pi^2) * lambda/i^2 * (rchisq(n, df = 1) - 1)

#' @rdname pMixHoeffInd
#' @export
qMixHoeffInd <- function(p, probs, error = 10^-4) {
  if (!isProbVector(probs)) {
    stop("probs in dMixHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
  if (!isProb(p)) {
    stop("probability p must be length 1 and in [0,1].")
  if (any(probs == 1)) {
  left = -2 * sum(eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs))
  if (p == 0) {
  } else if (p == 1) {
  right = 1
  while (pMixHoeffInd(right, probs, error = error / 2) < p) {
    right = right * 2
  return(binaryQuantileSearch(function(x) { pMixHoeffInd(x, probs,
                                                         error = error / 2) },
                              p, left, right, error))

#' Print Tau* Test Results
#' A simple print function for tstest (Tau* test) objects.
#' @export
#' @param x the tstest object to be printed
#' @param ... ignored.
print.tstest <- function(x, ...) {
  asymTest = F
  if (x$mode %in% c("continuous", "discrete", "mixed")) {
    cat(paste("Test Type: asymptotic", x$mode, "\n"))
    asymTest = T
  } else {
    cat(paste("Test Type: permutation (", x$resamples," simulations)\n",
              sep = ""))
  cat(paste("Input Length:", length(x$x), "\n\n"))

  df = data.frame(round(x$tStar, 5))
  if (asymTest) {
    df = cbind(df, round(x$pVal, 5))
    colnames(df) = c("t* value", "Asym. p-val")
  } else {
    df = cbind(df, round(x$pVal, 5))
    colnames(df) = c("t* value", "Perm. p-val")
  row.names(df) = ""

#' Determine if input data is discrete
#' Attempts to determine if the input data is from a discrete distribution. Will
#' return true if the data type is of type integer or there are non-unique
#' values.
#' @param x a vector which should be determined if discrete or not.
#' @return the best judgement of whether or not the data was discrete
isDiscrete = function(x) {
  if (is.integer(x) || (length(unique(x)) != length(x))) {

#' Is Vector Valid Data?
#' Determines if input vector is a valid vector of real valued observations
#' @param x the vector to be tested
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
isValidDataVector <- function(x) {
  return(is.numeric(x) || is.integer(x))

#' Test of Independence Using the Tau* Measure
#' Performs a (consistent) test of independence between two input vectors using
#' the asymptotic (or permutation based) distribution of the test statistic t*.
#' The asymptotic results hold in the case that x is generated from either a
#' discrete or continous distribution and similarly for y (in particular it is
#' allowed for one to be continuous while the other is discrete). The asymptotic
#' distributions were computed in Nandy, Weihs, and Drton (2016)
#' <http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.04387>.
#' @export
#' @param x a vector of sampled values.
#' @param y a vector of sampled values corresponding to x, y must be the same
#'        length as x.
#' @param mode should be one of five possible values: "auto", "continuous",
#'        "discrete", "mixed", or "permutation". If "auto" is selected then the
#'        function will attempt to automatically determine whether x,y are
#'        discrete or continuous and then perform the appropriate asymptotic
#'        test. In cases "continuous", "discrete", and "mixed" we perform the
#'        associated asymptotic test making the given assumption. Finally
#'        if "permutation" is selected then the function runs a Monte-Carlo
#'        permutation test for some given number of resamplings.
#' @param resamples the number of resamplings to do if mode = "permutation".
#'        Otherwise this value is ignored.
#' @return a list with class "tstest" recording the outcome of the test.
#' @references
#' Preetam Nandy, Luca Weihs, and Mathias Drton. Large-Sample Theory for the
#' Bergsma-Dassios Sign Covariance. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.04387. 2016.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' y = rnorm(100)
#' testResults = tauStarTest(x,y)
#' print(testResults$pVal) # big p-value
#' y = y + x # make x and y correlated
#' testResults = tauStarTest(x,y)
#' print(testResults$pVal) # small p-value
tauStarTest <- function(x, y, mode="auto", resamples = 1000) {
  if (!isValidDataVector(x) || !isValidDataVector(y) ||
      length(x) != length(y)) {
    stop(paste("vectors inputted to tauStarTest must be of type numeric or",
               "integer and must be the same length"))
  if (length(resamples) != 1 || resamples %% 1 != 0) {
    stop("resamples must be integer valued.")
  xIsDis = isDiscrete(x)
  yIsDis = isDiscrete(y)
  n = length(x)

  toReturn = list()
  class(toReturn) = "tstest"
  toReturn$mode = mode
  toReturn$x = x
  toReturn$y = y
  toReturn$tStar = tStar(x, y)
  toReturn$resamples = resamples

  if (mode == "auto") {
    if (xIsDis && yIsDis) {
      mode = "discrete"
    } else if (xIsDis || yIsDis) {
      mode = "mixed"
    } else {
      mode = "continuous"
    toReturn$mode = mode

  if (mode == "continuous") {
    if (xIsDis || yIsDis) {
      stop("Input vectors to tauStarTest are have repeated entries or are of the integer type but the mode is set to continuous.")
    toReturn$pVal = 1 - pHoeffInd(n * toReturn$tStar)

  } else if (mode == "discrete") {
    p = as.numeric(table(x)) / n
    q = as.numeric(table(y)) / n
    toReturn$pVal = 1 - pDisHoeffInd(n * toReturn$tStar, probs1 = p, probs2 = q)

  } else if (mode == "mixed") {
    if (xIsDis && yIsDis) {
      stop("Input vectors to tauStarTest both are discrete but 'mixed' mode was chosen instead of 'discrete'.\n")
    } else if (!xIsDis && !yIsDis) {
      warning(paste("Neither vector input to tauStarTest has duplicate entries",
                    "but 'mixed' mode was selected. Will default to assuming x",
                    "is discrete and y continuous. \n"))
    if (xIsDis) {
      z = x
      x = y
      y = z
    p = as.numeric(table(y)) / n
    toReturn$pVal = 1 - pMixHoeffInd(n * toReturn$tStar, probs = p)
  } else if (mode == "permutation") {
    sampleTStars = numeric(resamples)
    for (i in 1:resamples) {
      sampleTStars[i] = tStar(sample(x), y)
    toReturn$pVal = mean(sampleTStars >= toReturn$tStar)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid mode as input to tauStarTest.")

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