R2txt: Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.

View source: R/R2txt.R

txtStartR Documentation

Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.


These functions save a transcript of your commands and their output to a script file, possibly for later processing with the "enscript" or "pandoc" program.

They work as a combinations of sink and history with a couple extra bells and whistles.


txtStart(file, commands=TRUE, results=TRUE, append=FALSE, cmdfile,




etxtStart(dir = tempfile("etxt"), file = "transcript.txt",
           commands = TRUE, results = TRUE, append = FALSE,
           cmdbg = "white", cmdcol = "red", resbg = "white",
           rescol = "navy", combg = "cyan", comcol = "black",
           cmdfile, visible.only = TRUE)


etxtComment(txt, cmdtxt)


         width=4, height=4)

wdtxtStart(commands=TRUE, results=TRUE, fontsize=9, cmdfile,




wdtxtPlot(height=5, width=5, pointsize=10)

mdtxtStart(dir=tempfile('mdtxt'), file='transcript.md',
           commands=TRUE, results=TRUE, append=FALSE,
           cmdfile, visible.only=TRUE)




                     width=4, height=4)



Directory to store transcript file and any graphics file in


Text file to save transcript in


Logical, should the commands be echoed to the transcript file


Logical, should the results be saved in the transcript file


Logical, should we append to file or replace it


Background color for command lines in file


Color of text for command lines in file


Background color for results sections in file


Text color of results sections in file


Background color for comments in file


Text color of comments in file


A filename to store commands such that it can be sourced or copied and pasted from


Should non-printed output be included, not currently implemented.


Text of a comment to be inserted into file


Text of a comment to be inserted into cmdfile


An expression to be executed without being included in file or cmdfile


Width of plot, passed to dev.copy2eps, wdPlot, or dev.copy


Height of plot, passed to dev.copy2eps, wdPlot, or dev.copy


Size of font to use in MSWord


passed to wdPlot


These functions are used to create transcript/command files of your R session. There are 4 sets of functions, those starting with "txt",those starting with "etxt", and those starting with "wdtxt" and those starting with "mdtxt". The "txt" functions create a plain text transcript while the "etxt" functions create a text file with extra escapes and commands so that it can be post processed with enscript (an external program) to create a postscript file and can include graphics as well. The postscript file can be converted to pdf or other format file.

The "wdtxt" functions will insert the commands and results into a Microsoft Word document.

The "mdtxt" functions create a text file but with MarkDown escapes so that it can be post processed with "pandoc" (an external program) to create other formats such as html, pdf, MS Word documents, etc. If the command starts with the string "pander" or "pandoc" (after optional whitespace) then the results will be inserted directly, without escapes, into the transcript file. This assumes that you are using code from the "pander" package which generates markdown formatted output. This will create nicer looking tables and other output.

If results is TRUE and commands is FALSE then the result is similar to the results of sink. If commands is true as well then the transcript file will show both the commands and results similar to the output on the screen. If both commands and results are FALSE then pretty much the only thing these functions will accomplish is to waste some computing time.

If cmdfile is specified then an additional file is created with the commands used (similar to the history command), this file can be used with source or copied and pasted to the terminal.

The Start functions specify the file/directory to create and start the transcript, wdtxtStart will open Word if it is not already open or create a connection to an open word window. The prompts are changed to remind you that the commands/results are being copied to the transcript. The Stop functions stop the recording and reset the prompts.

The R parser strips comments and does some reformatting so the transcript file may not match exactly with the terminal output. Use the txtComment, etxtComment, wdtxtComment, or mdtxtComment functions to add a comment. This will show up as a line offset by whitespace in the transcript file, highlighted in the etxt version, and the default font in Word. If cmdtxt is specified then that line will be inserted into cmdfile preceded by a # so it will be skipped if sourced or copied.

The txtSkip, etxtSkip, wdtxtSkip, and mdtxtSkip functions will run the code in expr but will not include the commands or results in the transcript file (this can be used for side computations, or requests for help, etc.).

The etxtPlot function calls dev.copy2eps to create a copy of the current plot and inserts the proper command into the transcript file so that the eps file will be included in the final postscript file after processing.

The wdtxtPlot function calls wdPlot to send a copy of the current graph to MS Word.

The mdtxtPlot function calls dev.copy to create a copy of the current plot as a .png file and inserts the proper command into the transcript file so that the .png file will be included when processing with pandoc.


Most of these commands do not return anything of use. The exceptions are:

etxtStop returns the name of the transcript file (including the directory path).

txtSkip, etxtSkip, wdtxtSkip, and mdtxtSkip return the value of expr.


These commands do not do any fancy formatting of output, just what you see in the regular terminal window. If you want more formatted output then you should look into Sweave, knitr, or the R2HTML package.

The MS word functions will insert into the current word document at the location of the cursor. This means that if you look at the document and move the current location to somewhere in the middle (or have another word document open with the location in the middle), when you go back to R, the new transcript will be inserted into the middle of the document. So be careful to position the cursor at the end of the correct document before going back to R. Note that the "wdtxt" functions depend on the "R2wd" package which in turn depends on tools that are not free.

Do not use these functions in combination with R2HTML or sink. Only one of these sets of functions will work at a time.


Greg Snow, 538280@gmail.com

See Also

sink, history, Sweave, the odfWeave package, the R2HTML package, the R2wd package, the pander package


## Not run: 
etxtComment('This is todays transcript')
x <- rnorm(25)
my.file <- etxtStop()

# assumes enscript and ps2pdf are on your path
system(paste('enscript -e -B -p transcript.ps ', my.file) )
system('ps2pdf transcript.ps')

# if the above commands used mdtxt instead of etxt and the pandoc
# program is installed and on your path (and dependent programs) then use:
system(paste('pandoc -o transcript.docx ', my.file))

## End(Not run)

TeachingDemos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:59 a.m.